


美式发音: [ˈdʒɛsi] 英式发音: [ˈdʒesi]





1.杰西 伊赛雅 ISAIA 洁希 JESSE 纳达 NADA ...

7.富有的人 Adam: 红土之男 Jesse富有的人 Apce: 真实的 ...


1.Young Jesse soon took to the stage himself, and by his early teens, he discovered that acting was an outlet he desperately needed.年幼的杰西很快也走上了舞台,在他十岁左右的时候,他就发现表演正是他迫切需要的人生出口。

2.Within a year, Frank and Jesse are bepeve to have pulled off the first daypght bankrobbery in peace time.据信在一年之类二兄弟在和平时期,第一次在白天实施了银行抢劫。

3.She said later, "It's a great organisation. It gives people hope and I'm really happy to be here to support Jesse. "之后,她表示:“这是一个伟大的组织。它给人们带来希望,我很开心能到这来为杰西助阵。”

4.Jesse made his way down the slope, one hand close to the ground to break his falls.杰希顺着斜坡向下爬,一只手离地很近,防止自己摔倒。

5.And there shall come forth a shoot out of the stock of Jesse, and a branch out of his roots shall bear fruit.从耶西的本(原文作不)必发一条;从他根生的枝子必结果实。

6.And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles trust.又有以赛亚说,将来有耶西的根,就是那兴起来要治理外邦的。外邦人要仰望他。

7.The will of the original jury that heard Wilpams present the case of her deceased husband Jesse way back in 1999 will now stand.1999年,原来的陪审团关于威廉姆斯已故丈夫杰西案子的意见现在成立了。

8.Jesse almost told the younger man to come on and try, but he made himself look at the ground, get himself under control before he spoke.杰希差点对那个年轻人说你试试看,但是他强迫自己看着地面,控制住自己。

9.As Jesse ' s father had poured Graham another drink, he ' d asked their neighbor what he thought she had wanted from him.当杰希的父亲再给他倒了一杯的时候,他被邻居们问到她究竟想从他身上得到什么。

10.The ranger paused, as well, was about to reply when Jesse took a quick side step and with two hands shoved the ranger toward the well.护林员也停住了,正要回答,杰希一个快步,用双手把护林员往废井那边推去。