


美式发音: [fju] 英式发音: [fjuː]






1. 哦(表示热、累或宽慰)a sound that people make to show that they are hot, tired, or happy that sth bad has finished or did not happen

Phew, it's hot in here!哦,这里真热呀!

Phew, I'm glad that's all over.哦,这档事总算结束了!



int.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you feel hot, tired, or no longer worried about something

1.咂舌头 ... phenylalanine 苯基丙氨酸 phew - 表示不快:咂舌头 phial 小瓶 ...

2.唷 ... Yum! 表示刺激食欲! phew !呸! 咳!(用来表示极度焦虑之后放松、如释重负、疲惫、惊奇或嫌厌) aah 发 …

3.呼 ... sigh( 唉~) phew( ~) peace( 再见) ...

4.呸表示不快的声音 ... 不快活的 joyless 呸表示不快的声音 phew 使不快 to offend ...


1.The thing they did on the last day was to play us the trailer, and there was a collective sigh of, "Phew, it's going to be really good" .最后一天他们向我们展示了预告片,大家都异口同声地说:‘啊,这电影将会相当棒!’

2."Found down in the Dirksen excavation, " he says. "Thought I could stash them in here a few days, but phew. Can you bepeve it? "“德克森中心挖地基的时候发现的,”他说。“我原打算可以把他们在这里藏几天,谁想这么臭。难以置信吧?”

3.My friends and I drink, smoke, phew betel nuts and chat. Sometimes, my wife would be very mean. She would scold me, when I drank or smoked.有的时候我太太很凶,看到我喝酒就开始来骂我,如果看到我抽烟,一进房子就开始骂我。

4.I thought you were going to say the ONE VEST! Phew! NEVER been a fan of those stringy numbers!我还以为你们要说一件背心呢!啊哦!永远都不要成为针织爱好者!

5.But I was wiser and luckier than I knew, and being married has just revealed more of his virtuous and lovable quapties. Phew .但我发现自己比当初认为的要更聪明、更走运。结婚只揭示出了更多的他的优点和可爱之处。咻…还好。

6.Phew! For a minute, I thought that we had jeopardized our going concern status . Duh! Dare I say so? ?咳!有一段时间,我还以为我们的持续经营状态收到了威胁了。天!我敢说么?

7.Thought I could stash them in here a few days, but phew.我原打算可以把他们在这里藏几天,谁想这么臭。

8.I almost got hit by a car today, but Bob pushed me out of the way and saved my pfe! Phew, that was a close call!我今天差点被车撞!幸好Bob推了我一把﹐救我一命!好险啊!

9.Phew! That first meeting taught me a very good lesson. Never miss a meeting when new officers are being chosen!唷!第一次会议教我一个很好的教训。选取新人员时,不要缺席!

10.Phew. But that is the kind of situation that has gun opponents worried about a new bill working its way through the Texas legislature.但这一情况无疑增加了枪支反对派们的忧虑,他们担心一项新的议案即将得到德州议会的通过。