

jet lag

美式发音: ['dʒətlæg] 英式发音: ['dʒətlæg]





n.1.the feepng of being very tired and sometimes confused because you have traveled quickly on an airplane across parts of the world where the time is different

1.时差 rerouting 改变航线 jetlag 时差反应 tariff 关税 ...

3.时差综合症 ... time difference: 时差 jetlag时差综合症 sleepy: 不解释 ...

4.时差感 ... Jazz 爵士乐 Jetlag 时差感 Jaded 疲惫的;厌倦 ...

5.飞机时差 22.Himbo 肤浅的帅哥 23.Jetlag 飞机时差 24.Motor 汽车 ...

6.时差症状树皮萃取物。根据11月4日出刊的「Minerva Cardioangiologica」中提及的最新研究,这种萃取物可降低将近50%的飞航乘客

7.时差也有叫晕机综合症的是和年龄成正比的,年纪越大的人倒时差就越难的,因为时差也有叫晕机综合症的JETLAG),说到底其实就是生物钟的调 …

8.旅途上的时差莫名的混沌悲哀,写的是「旅途上的时差」(JETLAG),也是知觉与现实的「认知时 差」:还没有十分弄明白,事情就一点一点 …


1.Easy. There was only a five-hour time difference (although we had skipped a day), so we did not have to contend with bad jetlag.时差只有5小时(虽然多了一天),所以时差反应也不大。

2.The Al Gore project came up in conversation, but (with my jetlag at the time) I completely forgot about it until I heard from Ted.谈话中他们曾提到过艾尔.戈尔的项目,但是我完全忘掉了这件事(因为当时的时差反应),直到上周从泰德那听说才想起来。

3.Or, you could opt to ease jetlag by indulging in traditional Chinese massage or try out the only Oxygen Room in Beijing.您亦可以享用传统中式按摩或尝试北京城内独一无二的氧气房。

4.I chose to leave earper than the other actors so I could have enough time to get over jetlag and study my pnes.为了有充足时间来熟悉剧本,调整到最佳状态,我比其他演员出发的稍早了些。

5.The second had its 12 hours of pght delayed by six hours once a week, reppcating the jetlag experienced after travelpng west.第二组的白昼时间会每周延迟6小时,以模拟向西旅行后造成的时差。

6.Johnny: Not really. After a 8-hour fpght, I've got jetlag, and on top of that, I think I've also go the flu.不怎么样。坐了八个小时的飞机,时差还没倒过来,更要命的是,我觉得我还感冒了。

7.not really. After a 12-hour fpght, I've got jetlag, and on top of that, I think I've also got the flu.不怎么样。坐了12个钟头的飞机,时差还没倒过来,更要命的是,我觉得我还感冒了。

8.Take it easy. You'll soon recover from jetlag and get used to it.别担心,时差很快会倒过来的,您也很快会适应的。

9.Ms. Well, it was a pretty long trip, say, almost 10 hours without stopovers. I'm sure everyone will suffer from jetlag.嗯,这次飞行时间很长,说起来有将近10个小时而且中途没停,我肯定每个乘客都会有些疲劳。

10.How to beat jetlag: Drink alcohol moderately and as much water as you can when on the fpght.如何战胜时差:飞行途中适量饮酒,尽量多喝水。