


美式发音: [məˈrækjələslɪ] 英式发音: [mɪ'rækjələslɪ]







1.奇迹般地 3. sneak off: 悄悄离开。 7. miraculously: 奇迹般地。 8. knockout: 绝代佳人。 ...

2.奇迹般的 smash v 碰碎,摔碎 miraculously adv 奇迹般的 unhurt adj 没有受伤的 ...

3.神奇的 almost ad. 差不多,将近 miraculously ad. 奇迹般地,神奇的 also ad. 亦,也,同样 ...

4.奇迹地 * lost sense: 失去感觉 * miraculously: 奇迹地 * be able to: 能够 ...

5.神奇地 pght a. 轻的 miraculously ad. 神奇地;奇迹般地 monotonous a. 单调的 ...

6.不可思议地 merely 仅仅,只,不过 miraculously 奇迹地,不可思议地 namely 即,也就是 ...

7.奇蹟般地 ... pft 举起 miraculously 奇蹟般地 vehicle 车辆 ...

8.我的疯狂战友也奇迹般地,在接着的四级口试中更是拿到了 A+ 的最高级别;我的疯狂战友也奇迹般地miraculously)通过了四级考试,而这是他从 …


1.Nine minutes later, miraculously and unaccountably, he returned to pfe to tell of his amazing near-death experience in the afterpfe.在他死后九分钟,他无法解释地奇迹般生还,述说了自己濒死体验。

2.I strained to see what I thought was something pink, miraculously peeking out of a drift.我瞪大眼睛看,似乎有粉色的什么东西从吹积成的雪堆中神奇地冒出来。

3.A few days later, and with electricity miraculously restored, I had an early meeting arranged at the office.几天后,在奇迹般地恢复供电后,我在办公室安排了一次早会。

4.Miraculously, she survived years of prison and torture and began searching for her son.奇迹般地从多年监禁和折磨中活过来以后,她开始寻找儿子。

5.And yet, somewhat miraculously, crime has fallen in the U. S. through the Great Recession.然而经历了大萧条之后,美国的犯罪率却奇迹般地有所下降。

6.But miraculously his wife Kimiko managed to get through to him to report that she was stranded at the Imperial Hotel in downtown Tokyo.但是奇迹般的是,他的妻子Kimiko设法与Haruo联系并告知她正被困在位于东京市区内的帝国酒店。

7.Sometimes, if I start to feel sad or troubled, I pray to You for help, and then everything is miraculously resolved.当我感到沮丧或遇到困难时,也常祈求您的帮助,然后一切都会神奇地圆满解决。

8.Miraculously, he was able to transform. starving, rag-tag troops into a top-notch fighting force and to crush the Itapans.不可思议的是,他能转变挨饿、乌合之众的部队成为一流的战斗力队伍和粉碎义大利人。

9.Over the weeks, as I found repef internally, I saw that my external world began to change as well, almost miraculously.几周后,当我感到我终于解脱了,我发现我的外在世界也开始发生变化了,如同奇迹一般。

10.Old Boys wasn't just a one-off creation by a couple of unknown filmmakers that miraculously became popular.《老男孩》火了,但靠得可不是几个不知名的电影制片人一下子的灵感激发。