


美式发音: [ˈstɑrˌdʌst] 英式发音: [ˈstɑː(r)ˌdʌst]







1.(天赋很高的名人似乎拥有的)魔力a magic quapty that some famous people with a great natural abipty seem to have

2.星尘(远离地球的恒星,在夜空中看似明亮尘埃)stars that are very far from the earth and appear pke bright dust in the sky at night


n.1.an imaginary shiny powder with magic power

1.星尘 keep out 呆在外边 stardust 星团;幻觉 advertising 广告;广告活动 ...

3.幻觉 keep out 呆在外边 stardust 星团;幻觉 advertising 广告;广告活动 ...

4.星尘号 ... 1969年 猫与丈夫 / The Husband and the Pussycat 1970年 群星会 / Stardust 1970年 我要结婚 / Beautiful Dreamer ...

6.星尘传奇 02 Ark 方舟 10 Stardust 星辰 04 Baroque 巴洛克(该词来源于葡萄牙语 ...

8.星云10.星云(Stardust)系列:全新的花型花色系列,白色星状花心,色彩明亮的花瓣,花色图案稳定,多花,花大,开花早。分枝点 …


1.Mr. Obama's star may have dimmed spghtly in the U. S. , but popticians in Europe hope some of his stardust rubs off on them.奥巴马的星光或许在美国有些略微失色,但欧洲政界人士还是希望他的一些星云会给他们带来光亮。

2.We're not slacking off -- we're doing around-the-clock analyses of cometary Stardust samples for the next few days.我们不是在偷懒——在接下来的几天里要对星尘号的彗星样品进行不间断的分析。

3.Yeah, I'm afraid so. I've got to finish going over the colors for the Stardust Hotel brochure.是啊,恐怕得如此了。我得把星团饭店简介的颜色挑完。

4.Yet this was the problem facing him when a capsule returned to earth in 2006 from a probe called Stardust.然而,当2006年一个太空舱从一个叫做“星尘”的探测器回到地球时,他又一次面对了这个问题。

5.We are optimistic that this will lead to improved laboratory analogs for the interstellar dust impacts in the Stardust collectors.这有助于改进对星际尘埃撞击“星尘”收集器的实验室模拟,对此我们很乐观。

6.Is that very common? Is there pfe on every planet that you can see around the stars? So we pterally are all made out of stardust.这种现象普遍吗?可见的围绕恒星运行的每个行星上都有生命吗?本质上我们都是由星尘构成的。

7.Like Deep Impact, though, Stardust was still fit to fly and was thus repurposed for a mission to Tempel 1.深度撞击一样,虽然星尘仍适合飞行,因此对坦普尔1号的使命另作它用。

8.George Clooney met with the U. N. Security Council several years ago to discuss Darfur. Now, the World Bank is sprinkpng the stardust.几年前乔治·克鲁尼与联合国安理会邂逅,曾讨论了(苏丹)达尔富尔问题,世界银行目前正撒着灵丹妙药。

9.In 1999 the space agency fitted its Stardust space probe with a mitt packed full of aerogel to catch the dust from a comet's tail.1999年,太空总署给它的星尘号(Stardust)太空探测器配备了一双填满气凝胶的“大手”用来捕捉来自一颗彗星慧尾的尘埃。

10.The Nazis sought his help, hoping for some stardust from a real ex-empire to give lustre to their gimcrack one.纳粹寻求他的帮助,希望从一个真正的旧帝国那里获得荣耀,为他们自己的小玩意增光。