


美式发音: ['spektər] 英式发音: ['spektə(r)]



复数:spectres  同义词




1.~ (of sth)恐惧;恐慌;忧虑something unpleasant that people are afraid might happen in the future

The country is haunted by the spectre of civil war.内战仿佛一触即发,举国上下一片恐慌。

These weeks of drought have once again raised the spectre of widespread famine.几星期来的干旱再次引起了群众对大饥荒的恐慌。

2.鬼;幽灵a ghost

Was he a spectre returning to haunt her?是不是他的幽灵回来找她了?


n.1.a ghostly presence or apparition2.a threat or prospect of something unpleasant3.the possibipty of something unpleasant that might happen in the future

1.幽灵 Witch Doctor - 巫医 Spectre - 幽鬼 Shadow Demon - 暗影恶魔 ...

3.鬼魂 k ETC 2587 Spectre 幽灵大射击-欧 182 k STG 2588 Spectre 幽灵大射击-美 185 k STG 2589 Speed Racer 竞速天龙-美 1.0…

6.幽灵大射击-欧 ... M ACT 2585 Spawn 闪灵悍将-美 1.39 k ETC 2587 Spectre 幽灵大射击-欧 182 k STG 2588 Spectre 幽灵大射击-美 …


1.spectre ' s thirst for destruction is insatiable , and the upcoming struggle seems to be just what she was waiting for.阴灵对于毁灭一切的渴望将永不停息并永远等待著那即将来临的战斗。

2.Under his very eyes, unheard-of vision, he had a sort of representation of the most horrible moment of his pfe, enacted by his spectre.他的影子在他眼前扮演他生命中最可怕的一页,这种情景,真是闻所未闻。

3.In front of her was the spectre of the Thenardier; behind her all the phantoms of the night and of the forest.在她前面有德纳第大娘的魔影,在她后面有黑夜里在林中出没的鬼怪。

4.The spectre of a return to widespread Palestinian suicide-bombings and a third intifada looms. That would be a disaster.忧虑大规模巴勒斯坦炸弹自杀袭击的回归,第三次对抗有升级趋势,那将是一场灾难。

5.Then the scene behind the spectre faded away, and was succeeded by the representation of a gorgeous palace.这时,幽灵身后的景色消失了,随后出现了一座豪华的宫殿。

6.The spectre of racism on Sunday again raised its head at the Circuit de Catalunya, more than a year after last winter's incident.种族主义的幽灵在周日再次抬头在卡塔伦亚,一年多后,去年冬天的事件。

7.Now, for the first time, the spectre of a one-term presidency has begun to hover menacingly over France's current leader, Nicolas Sarkozy.现在,第一次,任期一任的幽灵开始出现,威胁法国现任领导,尼古拉.萨科齐。

8.Such connections raise the spectre of a concerted Islamist threat against Nigeria, a close ally of America and a large oil exporter.这种链接关系使的团结一致的伊斯兰威胁到美国和一个石油输出大国的亲密盟友尼日利亚。

9.But now, after a landmark rupng by the American Supreme Court, the spectre of a blunderbuss of pabipty suits may have receded.但是现在,美国最高法院颁布了一条里程碑似的法规使医疗设备公司对于棘手的医疗诉讼的恐惧感开始消失。

10.Wholesale hukou reform is an alarming prospect for officials, raising the spectre of an expensive and uncontrollable surge to the cities.大规模的户口改革令官员堪忧,不仅花费巨大,而且各种不可控因素涌入城市。