




1.伏魔修女会曾与凯瑟琳分手,后来凯瑟琳参加塞尔所创立的慈善机构姊妹会The Sisterhood)旗下的划艇会,重拾自信,威廉再拜倒她 …

5.妇女团体 ... The Room of a Recently Deceased Sister 最近去世的修女的房间 The Sisterhood 妇女团体 Passage 走廊 ...

6.姐妹组合  凯特·米德尔顿曾短期加入过一支名为“姐妹组合”(The Sisterhood)的划艇队,她们一起在奇斯威克和哈默斯密之间的泰晤士河段 …


1.For her part, Tyrande was already a novice in the Sisterhood of Elune and so had dedicated herself to the goddess above all others.至于泰兰德,她已经是月神修女会的一个见习女祭司,已经很难让她献身于女神之外的其他神明。

2.It's not letting the sisterhood down but holding on to values of relationships and wellbeing.这不但没有使女性丧失价值,反而更促进了人际关系与家庭和睦。

3.Ferrera's next film project is the sequel to the Sisterhood movie, which opens in theaters later this year.弗伦拉下一个雄心计划将是拍摄《牛仔裤的姐妹情谊》的电影续集,它在今年稍后将在戏院上演。

4."It's not fair, " I told Elsie, later that same evening at the Sisterhood meeting.“这太不公平了!”就在那天晚上,我在姐妹聚会上对艾尔西说。

5.One is tempted to use the favoured phrase of the sisterhood about the film itself.这句子最常见于形容姊妹情谊,这次则用作电影题材。

6.These deadly women were not a miptia, nor were they considered part of either the Sisterhood of Elune or the .这些可怕的女性不属于军队的一员,也不属于艾露恩姐妹会和。

7.At first, volunteers from the Sisterhood of Elune made up the Watchers , and so the organization was composed solely of night elf women.起初,来自艾露恩姊妹会的志愿者们组建了守望者队伍,因此其成员构成只有女性暗夜精灵。

8.To the pants , and the sisterhood.献给这条牛仔裤。和这份姐妹情谊。

9.I am Akara, High Priestess of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye.我是阿卡拉,目盲之眼这个修女会的高等女教士。

10.Mystery of Women's Utopia--On the Sisterhood Affection in Modern Women Writer's Works迷离的女性乌托邦--现当代女作家作品中的姐妹情谊初探