




1.骐达配备有Xtronic无级变速自动变速箱的2012版日产骐达Versa)轿车,原因是该车型可能会在未踩刹车的情况下移出“停泊”档 …

3.德州地图龟 北部拟地图龟 pseudogeographica 德州地图龟 versa 和纹地图龟 ouachitensis ...

4.杨祉川 Superfine Rainbow 超细彩虹系列 Versa 反之亦然收藏系列 Wizard 奇才系列 ...

6.日产骐达详情图片报价配备有Xtronic无级变速自动变速箱的2012版日产骐达详情图片报价Versa)轿车,原因是该车型可能会在未踩刹车的情况下 …

7.维尔萨维尔萨Versa)滑轮&1/2系统  维尔萨滑轮&1/2系统为青少年射手提供了滑轮&1/2技术的所有性能,其拉距调整范围是9英寸, …


1.A husband may claim deduction for payments made by his wife, and vice versa.丈夫可申索扣除其妻子所缴付的款项,反之亦然。

2.However, it is often the case that the architecture is influenced by the initial team structure and not vice versa.但是,情况经常是最初的小组结构影响了构架,而不是相反情况。

3.The next target is to be able to interpret anything from Chinese into Engpsh, vice versa.我的下一个目标是,有能力把任何汉语译成英语,反之也成。

4.The process of translating a web address into an IP address through a DNS lookup, or vice versa, is often called "resolving. "通过DNS解析将网络地址转为IP地址的过程,或相反,被称为“解析”。

5.Any locks acquired by the secondary connections are held as if they were acquired by the primary connection, and vice versa.可以像主连接获取的锁那样持有次级连接获取的任何锁,反之亦然。

6.If you and I were talking, part of your brain would organize itself to match part of mine, and vice versa.如果你和我在说话,你的大脑中有一部分将自我组织以匹配我的部分,反之亦然。

7.You could think of this correspondence as a buddy system in which each natural number is paired with some positive fraction, and vice versa.可以把这种对应看作是各负责另一人之安全的两人同行制,每一个自然数都与某个正分数配对,反之亦然。

8.If it had been happy at the start, they changed it to sad, and vice versa.如果开始的时候是快乐的音乐,就把它改为悲伤的,反之亦然。

9.For instance, let's say that the reason why a couple got divorced was the husband's cheating on his wife (or vice versa).举一个例子,我们假设一对夫妇离婚的理由是丈夫的出轨(或妻子)。

10.Why would a Siberian shaman feel any desire to be a citizen of the same state as a West African Muspm? Or vice versa?西部利亚的萨满教信徒又有何动力要与西非穆斯林成为一个国家的公民呢?