




1.即刻搜索 Baidu 百度搜索 Jike 即刻搜索 Google 谷歌搜索 ...

2.鐤捐嫤 jikan 鍗冲彲 jike 鐤捐嫤 jikui 绉疮 ...

3.极阔 ... 游高( you go) 极阔( JIKE) 【在路上】 on the way ...

4.朝阳北路 八大电视公司 spectroscopic instrument 朝阳北路 jike 集科 opto ...

5.立刻 ... 6,bing/ 必应搜 7,jike/ 立刻 9,panguso/ 盘古 ...

6.删除 Ioartoon 爱动漫 删除 Jike 即刻新闻 删除 Kuaipai 快拍二维码 删除 ...


1.However, when it comes to her future, Jike definitely has longer distances on her mind.可是当谈到她的未来时,似乎离她很遥远。

2.Jike is one of the most ambitious government attempts to enter the commercial Internet space.推出即刻搜索是中国政府为挺进商业互联网领域做出的最雄心勃勃的尝试之一。

3.Mr. Liu, who was a research executive at Google China, said Jike's engineers have built much of Jike's core search technology from scratch.曾担任谷歌中国(GoogleChina)研究业务高管的刘骏说,即刻的工程师已依靠自身力量研发出了大部分核心搜索技术。

4.The universal perturbation methods in discrete systems proposed by Liu Jike et al are extended to analyze continuous systems.将刘济科等提出的离散系统通用摄动法推广到连续系统。

5.Jike wants to be a waitress and, during her pfetime, have the chance to pve and work in many parts of China.尼西希望做服务员,并希望在人生中有机会在中国其他地方生活和工作。

6.Tang Jike a Germany book had finished the ancient times knight novel, from now knight novel this theme quiet on hundred years.唐吉柯德一书结束了古代骑士小说,从此以后骑士小说这一题材沉寂了上百年。

7.The Men's Singles Championship was won by Zhang Jike, who participated in the World Table Tennis Championships for the first time.男单冠军由首次参加世乒赛单打的中国选手张继科夺得,这也是他职业生涯中的第一个世乒赛男单冠军。

8."Nine Horses" , Li Jike's last posthumous work, fully expresses the characteristics and value of artists.《九骏图》是李际科最后的遗作,充分体现了画家的艺术特征和艺术价值。

9.Known Goso when it was in beta testing, the site has been renamed Jike, meaning 'immediate. '该网站在测试阶段曾被称作人民搜索(Goso网址被屏蔽),现已将域名改为即刻(jike网址被屏蔽)。

10.He says, that Zhang Jike has the best conditions of all players.波尔说,张继科是所有运动员中身体条件最好的。