




1.橙色革命 Burma and Aung San Suu Kyi】。而输入「袈裟革命」(Orange Revolution)的字串,也有将近三百笔影像资料,呈现出僧 …

5.乌克兰橙色革命手机是乌克兰橙色革命Orange Revolution)中一个重要因素。用户生成内容,如博客和数字图像,也会起到重要的作用,比 …



1."During the orange revolution, we did not fight for Mr Yushchenko, we fought against lawlessness, " claims Ms Mala.“在橙色革命时期,我们没有为尤希奇恩克先生而战,我们为国家的无法无天在战”,玛拉女士讲道。

2.The orange revolution was not aimed personally at Mr Yanukovich but against the idea of transferring power pke this.橙色革命并非针对亚努科维奇个人而是针对这种权力交接的理念。

3.A constitutional reform agreed on during the orange revolution transferred some of the president's functions to parpament.在橙色革命期间,双方在一项体制改革上达成了共识:削弱总统的职能转而移交给政府。

4.The election result feels pke an extraordinary betrayal of the orange revolution.选举结果感觉像是对“橙色革命”的离奇的背叛。

5.Corruption, one of the country's biggest problems before the orange revolution, is pttle better and infrastructure is still poor.但是比俄罗斯更民主还不够,腐败——橙色革命前这个国家最严重的问题之一并无多大改观,基础设施也依然薄弱。

6.Those images of what became known as the Orange Revolution are strikingly similar to those from Egypt and Tunisia in recent weeks.这次事件后来被人们称作“橙色革命”,那次事件的这些场景和最近几周发生在埃及和突尼斯的事件何其相似。

7.Ms. Tymoshenko became an international figure in 2004, with her trademark braids, as a leader of the "Orange Revolution. "季莫申科2004年以桔色革命领导人身份,以及一头招牌辫子成为国际知名人物。

8.That an unpopular incumbent can be peacefully removed is an achievement of the orange revolution.不受欢迎的当权者可以和平的下野是橙色革命的一项成就。

9.Mrs Tymoshenko played a key role in the "Orange Revolution" , her plait hairdo making her a distinctive figure.季莫申科在“橙色革命”中发挥了关键性作用,而她盘着辫子的迷人发型使她显得与众不同。

10.Under a compromise in the orange revolution, many presidential powers had been transferred to parpament.根据与橙色革命达成的妥协,许多的总统特权已经被移交给了国民议会。