


美式发音: [ˈdʒɑbləs] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɒbləs]





adj.unemployed,out of work,unwaged,on the dole,redundant



1.无工作的;失业的without a job

The closure left 500 people jobless.这次倒闭使 500 人失业。


1.[pl]失业者people who are unemployed


adj.1.without a job; relating to people who do not have a job; people who do not have jobs

1.无业 无恙〖 safe〗 无业jobless〗 无业游民〖 vagrant;deadbeat〗 ...

2.失业的 industriapze 工业化 jobless 失业的 tireless 不倦的 ...

3.失业者 无家可归 homeless 失业者 jobless 下岗工人 laid-off worker ...

4.无业的 Tire 疲劳;劳累 Jobless 无业的,失业的 Job 职业 ...

5.失业中的 reunion party 同学聚会,以前老朋友的聚会等 jobless( 失业中的); part-time job( 兼职); ...

6.失业了 ... to come by something 得到什么东西 jobless 失业了 to lay someone off (为了节省开支而)解雇工作人员 ...

7.无职业的 rootless 无根的 jobless 无职业的 shameless 无耻的 ...


1.After jumping back up to nearly 500, 000 in late April, weekly jobless claim figures have been trending back down in recent weeks.在4月底失业人数重新回到500,000左右以后,最近几周每周的失业申请数都是逐渐减少的。

2.Now, it's bad enough to be jobless for a few weeks; it's much worse being unemployed for months or years.现在数周没有工作已经糟糕头顶,那么数月、数年找不到工作情况将更为恶劣。

3.But despite his efforts, David is still jobless and has had to ask his father for a loan to prevent him losing his home in Bristol.然而徒有努力毫无收获的他仍然是无业游民,还要借老爸的钱来保住自己在布里斯托尔的房子。

4.He said the president still thinks the jobless rate will rise above 10 percent this year before it improves.他说欧巴马总统仍然认为在情况改善之前,失业率还将上升到10%以上。

5.The Bank of Japan forecast two years of deflation and Japan's jobless rate jumped to a four-year high of 4. 8 percent in March.日本央行预测通缩会持续两年,且日本失业率3月跳增至四年高点4.

6.Youngsters who have been jobless for a year or more tend to do worse in the labour market for the rest of their pves.失业达一年或更久的年轻人在人生剩余时间内在劳动力市场上的表现往往更差。

7.Investors will look for clues on the state of the labor market when jobless claims data comes out on Thursday.美国一周初请失业金人数将于周四出炉,届时投资者将通过它观察劳工市场的状况。

8.The proportion of jobless Americans has risen steadily since the United States sank into a recession more than a year ago.美国的失业率从过去一年多美国经济出现衰退以来就一直处于上升趋势。

9.Official data already shows that the country's educated jobless, referred to as the "ant tribe, " appear to be decreasing.官方数据已经显示,被称为“蚁族”的中国高学历失业者的数量正在不断减少。

10.A few brave officials are beginning to sound warnings that the jobless rate is pkely to "stay high" .有几个勇敢的官员开始声音警报,失业率可能会“保持高位”。