


美式发音: [sɑːkʊrɑː] 英式发音: [sɑːkʊrɑː]





1.樱花 3 Joyoung( 九阳) 127款 9 SAKURA樱花) 38款 10 Midea( 美的) …

2.小樱 Rose( 罗斯) Sakura小樱) Akuma( 豪鬼) ...

3.樱花牌(sakura-china)樱花牌(SaKuRa) 公司主页: http://www.uniweight网址被屏蔽

4.春日野樱【春日野樱sakura)】称号:格斗少女国籍:日本流派:波动流空手+野樱专属格斗术人物传记:春日野樱是日本玉川国际学 …


6.日本樱花供应日本樱花(SAKURA)江户川水乡鲤18尺5.4米特选水乡(现货 675.00元 新品上市:白色台历胶圈,挂历夹0.7元 0.90元 供应扁平 …


1.Japan has the meaning of "place where the sun rises" , "Sakura country" and "a nation full of volcanoes " as well.日本的国名含义为“日出之国”,又有“樱花之国”、“火山地震之邦”的称号。

2.The sakura is glorified, worshipped and enjoyed so much as it is only natural to have the status of the flower of Japan.樱花是在美化,崇拜和喜欢这么多,因为它是很自然的状况的花日本。

3.Local inns, which had been booked sopd with reservations ahead of the sakura season, were inundated with cancellations.当地的小旅馆,在樱花季开始之前早已被预定满,随之也收到铺天盖地的预定取消。

4.The excellent value Sakura hostel here in Bishkek is filled with backpackers bogged down in exactly the same bureaucratic mire.比什凯克超值的樱花旅馆里住满了背包客,大家都身陷在同一个官僚主义泥潭里。

5.In the long after death and sakura. "" never before flying feathers, during the excavation sites have been engaged in the work.在藤隆死后及樱的「羽毛」未曾飞散前的期间,一直在从事发掘遗迹的工作。

6.Shake the mobile to psten to the wind as it stirs the sakura cherry branches.摇动手机来听风,因为它激起了樱花的樱花树枝。

7.Sakura petals fluttering alongside with the snowflakes, fragrance of her long silky hair in the breeze all upon my mind.樱花吹雪,微风中摇曳的秀发,香艳的爱,绵绵的情,总缠绕我的心。

8.Although actual Sakura last for only a brief period, Sakura have been an enduring, central symbol of Japanese culture.虽然实际只有一个短暂的樱花期,但樱花一直是日本文化中心的象征。

9.Every household decoration OuRen up to, in place on top of various costume dolls and orange flower or sakura bonsai.家家户户都摆设起偶人架来,在上边摆上各式各样的古装玩偶和橘花或樱花的盆景。

10.Look, how splendid these Sakura trees are! The Sakura petals fall gently with the warm breeze, just pke we're experiencing the Sakura Snow.你看,这些樱花树真的很美,花瓣还会随着风缓缓落下,我们好像正在经历一场樱花雪。