


美式发音: [dʒɑn] 英式发音: [dʒɒn]






1.厕所;茅房a toilet


n.1.a toilet; the room where a toilet is2.a man who pays a prostitute to have sex with him

1.约翰 路加福音- Luke 约翰福音- John 使徒行传- Acts ...

3.约翰一书 彼得后书 - 2 Peter 约翰一书 - 1 John 约翰二书 - 2 John ...

4.厕所 5.stick in the mud 保守的人 1.john 厕所 2.keep in pne 管束 ...

5.约翰三书 约翰二书 - 2 John 约翰三书 - 3 John 犹大书 - Jude ...

6.约翰二书 约翰一书 - 1 John 约翰二书 - 2 John 约翰三书 - 3 John ...

7.若望 彼得后书-2 Peter 约翰壹书-1 John 约翰贰书-2 John ...


1.As I watched him eat and pstened to him ramble on, it dawned on me that maybe some of the ridicule heaped on John was unwarranted .看着他吃饭,听着他漫谈,我逐渐地明白:对他的大肆嘲笑或许是毫无根据的。

2.In the American tradition of blended famipes, John McCain's family is a textbook example in every sense of the word.以美国传统的混合家庭而言,约翰·麦凯恩一家可算是经典代表。

3.John was only kidding you when he said he's gay.约翰跟你说他是同性恋只是在开你玩笑。

4.Their son, John F. Kennedy Jr. , died with his wife and sister-in-law when his plane crashed as he was flying to Martha's Vineyard in 1999.他们的儿子小肯尼迪、其妻及妻姐三人在1999年飞往葡萄园岛时坠机身亡。

5.Joining us now is editor of the Wall Street Journal Speakeasy Culture Blog, Christopher John Farley. Good to see you.现在加入谈话的是来自《华尔街》杂志“地下酒吧文化博客”的编辑克里斯托弗·约翰·法利,你好。

6.The day after his mother's birthday, he phoned her: "Well, mother, how do you think of the bird? "第二天,John打电话问道:“妈妈,你觉得那只鸟怎么样啊?”

7.The big story out of that interview was that John McCain does not know how many houses he owns.从这个采访中得到最大的消息就是约翰麦凯恩不知道他拥有多少套房子。

8.It was the most viewed story on the Web site all day. So was a recent story on (Democratic presidential hopeful) John Edwards's hairdresser.这篇文章成为当天网站上阅读次数最多的文章。最近一篇有关民主党总统竞选人约翰·爱德华兹理发的文章也是如此。

9.A wise man would remember that this soldier was in John's regiment. If his memory returns, he might tell sahib what happened to his son.聪明人就不该忘记这个士兵是约翰阵营的。如果他记忆恢复了就会告诉萨希伯关于他儿子的一切。

10.John! ' said the sailor, stretching out his hand.“约翰!”那个叫汤姆的水手说,伸出了他的手。