


美式发音: [meɪ] 英式发音: [mæ]

adj.〈英〉more 的变体


网络释义:农业推广硕士(Master of Agricultural Extension);平均绝对误差(mean absolute error);微波辅助萃取(Microwave assisted Extraction)


adj.1.〈英〉more 的变体


1.农业推广硕士(Master of Agricultural Extension) Marguerite 玛格丽特 Mae Mag 玛格 ...


1.And investors are trying to get a handle on the troubles facing housing finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.投资者试图找到解决房产巨头FannieMae和FreddieMac面临的问题的方法。

2.Mae West knew that this incident would make her a national success --- and it did.梅.韦斯特知道这一事件将会使她闻名全国,事实果真如此。

3.Thomas Jefferson produced the Declaration with the aid of a ghostwriter, a woman of color named Betty Mae, who was a non-voluntary worker.托马斯·杰斐逊的宣言是在一名代笔的帮助下写的,那是一名叫做贝蒂美的有色人种女性,她不是自愿的。

4.Oda Mae: Fine. That's all we want you to do, we want you to call the popce, but you've got to let us in.奥德美:好,那正是我们想让你做的,我们正要你报警。可你得让我们进来。

5.I'm going to call Rita Mae at home and ask her to come by and talk about it. She wants to see Max, anyway.我要给RitaMae家里打电话,请她过来谈这件事,反正她也想看看Max呢。

6.Half Thai and half Chinese, Vanessa-Mae Vanakom Nicholson was born in Singapore and grew up in London.一半泰国血统,一半华人血统,陈美出生于新加坡,在伦敦长大。

7.Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two giant mortgage agencies that are also wards of the state, have continued to bleed.两家同样受到国家保护的抵押贷款机构——房利美和房地美则继续失血。

8.Mr. Paan said he felt Mae Nak's presence floating above the shrine. "As we are talking, she hears us, " he said.帕德颂说,他能感觉到娜娜的魂魄就浮在神殿上方。“我们说话的时候,她就能听见,”他说。

9.Mae Mobley is plump and ungainly; she looks charming in a diaper but not in the sort of frilly dresses her mother favors.协会莫布里是丰满而笨拙,她看上去迷人的尿布,但在她的母亲有利于褶边连衣裙排序。

10.Ireland had none of the American right's favorite villains: there was no Community Reinvestment Act, no Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.爱尔兰也没有美国右派喜欢怪罪的大坏蛋:没有社区再投资法案,没有房利美,也没有房地美。