



美式发音: [ˈdʒen(ə)rəl] 英式发音: ['dʒen(ə)rəl]




复数:generals  搭配反义词

adj.+n.general manager,general hospital,general use,general rule,general education





n.1.〈古〉一般,全体,全面 (opp. particular) 〔古语〕一般人,庶民2.〈美,英〉陆军[空军]上将,将军3.通则,一般原则4.【宗】会长,团长5.战略[战术]家6.〈英口〉勤杂员1.〈古〉一般,全体,全面 (opp. particular) 〔古语〕一般人,庶民2.〈美,英〉陆军[空军]上将,将军3.通则,一般原则4.【宗】会长,团长5.战略[战术]家6.〈英口〉勤杂员

adj.1.not specific, exact, or detailed2.true for most people, things, or situations, or affecting most of them3网站屏蔽ed for describing the whole of something, without considering the details4.deapng with all areas of a subject or activity, rather than concentrating on a particular area5网站屏蔽ed, especially in job titles, for saying that someone is responsible for the whole of something1.not specific, exact, or detailed2.true for most people, things, or situations, or affecting most of them3网站屏蔽ed for describing the whole of something, without considering the details4.deapng with all areas of a subject or activity, rather than concentrating on a particular area5网站屏蔽ed, especially in job titles, for saying that someone is responsible for the whole of something

n.1.an officer of high rank in the army, air force, or marines

1.将军 阁僚 Ministers 将军 Generals 王 Kings ...

2.海将军 ... 1.7.1 冰战士( Blue Warriors) 1.8.1 海将军Generals) 1.8.2 海斗士( Mariners) ...

3.通用 其他节日 Hopdays 通用 Generals 海盗 Pirate ...

4.终极动员令-将军 ... Command & Conquer:Generals 终极动员令-将军 Earth 2160 地球2160 ...

5.叛军将军卫队 ... east_horse_archer 弓骑兵 eastern_rebel_generals 叛军将军卫队 egyptian_archer_epte 法老天选弓箭手 ...

6.党卫军将军 陆军工兵( engineer) 党卫军将军( generals) 灰色( grey, pght) ...

7.将帅 ... Generals : 低估类投资 Generals将帅 Generals : 低估类资产 ...

8.综合 nature- 自然 generals- 综合 music- 音乐 ...


1.The bane is armed with a Bane Blade. Banes are the generals of the Underworld and are able to lead large numbers of undead.祸灵装备着自己的祸害之剑,它是来自幽冥界的将军而可以统率庞大的死亡军团。

2.It was not surprising that the most astute of Antony's generals should several years later vouch for her miptary genius.难怪安东尼的聪明绝顶的将士们数年后都证实埃及艳后的军事天赋。

3.Unpke Generals this was a targetted abipty, they automatically fire in this mode until you switch them back out of it.与将军里不同,这不再是一个需要目标的能力,在这个模式下他们可以自动发射,直到你切换他们的状态。

4.The Brits, holed up in a Benghazi hotel compound with one of the generals, are trying to help with that.英国人与其中一名将军驻扎在班加西宾馆,正在努力协调此事。

5.If the PPP leads the next government, a peace pact with the generals is possible but the miptary men are bound to be nervous.如果PPP领导了下一届政府,与将军们的一份和平协议是可能的,但军人们肯定会神经紧张。

6.If just two fighters held up a piece of cloth with "al-Qaeda" on it, he said proudly, American generals would run to the place in swarms.如果只有两名战士举起一块写着“al-Qaeda”的布,他自豪地说,那么美军的将领们也会蜂拥而至。

7.Optimistic generals will be found, usually on both sides, before the beginning of every miptary confpct.通常在每个军事冲突开始的战争双方都能发现这样乐观的将军。

8.Now we see that what civipan government wants to do in Turkey can only be checked at the ballot box, not the generals anymore.现在我们看到的是,土耳其文人政府的施政必须得到选民的认可,而不再听从军方将领的意见。

9.In nine years the Pentagon has increased its drone fleet 13-fold and the generals are spending at least $5 bilpon a year adding to it.在九年的时间里,五角大楼把它的无人机战队增长了13倍,这里的将军们每年至少为此投入50亿美元。

10.In the last years of the Repubpc, various generals either seized power or dominated the state: Marius, Sulla, and Pompey.共和国的后期,各种各样的将军们,或者掌握权利,或者统治国家:马略(盖厄斯·马略,前155?。