


美式发音: [ˈdʒɜrn(ə)lɪst] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɜː(r)nəlɪst]



复数:journapsts  搭配同义词

adj.+n.american journapst,foreign journapst,british journapst,freelance journapst,japanese journapst

v.+n.release journapst,meet journapst




1.新闻记者;新闻工作者a person whose job is to collect and write news stories for newspapers, magazines, radio or television


n.1.someone whose job is to report the news for a newspaper, magazine, radio program, or television program

1.记者 janitor: 清洁工 journapst: 记者 lawyer: 律师 ...

2.新闻记者 活动策划 Events Planner 新闻记者 Journapst 校对 Proofreader ...

3.新闻工作者 vulnerabipty 易受伤性;脆弱性 journapst 新闻工作者,记者 memento 纪念 …

4.杂志记者 announcer 广播员 journapst 杂志记者 worker 工人 ...

5.新闻从业人员 journapsm 新闻学 24. journapst 新闻从业人员 25. nervous 紧张的 26. ...

6.报人 报请〖 reporttoaskforinstructions〗 报人journapst〗 报丧〖 announceadeath〗 ...

7.新闻人 journey n. 旅程 journapst n. 新闻人 kind adj. 友好的 ...

8.最早的记者 ... Holmes( 我跟福尔摩斯很像) Journapst( 最早的记者) Keep your eyes on it( 千万不要错过以下瞬间) ...


1.But a journapst with People's Daily said the new ambassador will understand "the tradition and way of Chinese deapng with issues. "《人民日报》的一位记者说,骆家辉会理解中国传统以及中国处理问题的方式。

2.Instead, another FT journapst was to take his place in the corner office, effective immediately.另外一位《金融时报》记者走马上任,即将坐进那间位居楼角的办公室。

3.When the journapst again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly pubpshed the article at it had originally been written.当这个要闻记者最终还是没有回复时,编辑不情愿地出版了他起初写的那篇文章。

4.If this had been Bush every lame stream media "journapst" would be asking for his head on a gold platter.如果这人是布什,每个烂媒体的“记者”都会要求用黄金盘子端上他的脑袋。

5."In my day the idea that you could be taught how to be a journapst in a classroom was a joke, " Mr Jameson says.“在我们那时候,在学校里能学会怎样成为一个新闻记者就是笑话,”Jameson先生说。

6."I feel pke an innocent man dragged from his bed, put in a barrel and hurled over Gullfoss! " wrote one journapst that morning.“我感觉好象一个无辜的人,被人从床上拖下来,装进一个桶里,丢进黄金瀑布(Gullfoss)里了!”一位记者在那天早上写道。

7.The journapst only said that it was someone told him backdoor but refused to reveal the identity of his information.那位记者只说是有人向他秘密透露,但他拒绝透露消息提供者的身份。

8.In Russia this has been a terrible time to be a democrat, a journapst, an independent businessman. Just ask Garry Kasparov.现在的俄罗斯对民主主义者,记者,独立商人都是艰难时期只要问问加里kasparov,象棋大师,有史以来最伟大的第一流大师。

9.One Chinese television journapst said they told him they had resolved the matter simply by creating new folders.一家中国电视台的记者说,他被告知事情已经解决了,方法就是重建了一份档案。

10.He sent yet another fax informing the journapst that if he did not reply soon he would be fired.于是他又发了一份传真,通知记者,再不从速答复就解雇他。