


美式发音: [ʃrɪmp] 英式发音: [ʃrɪmp]







1.虾;小虾a small shellfish that can be eaten, pke a prawn but smaller. Shrimps turn pink when cooked.



n.1.a small shellfish with a lot of legs; a shrimp eaten as food2.an insulting word for someone who is very small

1.虾 Toco toucan Miss ma 这个字典里没有 shrimp Dragofly 蜻蜓 ...

2.小虾 蟹足 crab claws 小 虾(虾米) shrimp 对虾、大虾 prawn ...

3.虾子 lobster 龙虾 shrimp 虾子 roast suckpng pig 烤乳猪 ...

4.对虾 lobster 龙虾 shrimp 对虾 largeprawn 大对虾 ...

5.虾仁 大虾 prawn 虾仁 shrimp 咸水小龙虾 crawfish ...

6.河虾 turkey 火鸡 shrimp 河虾,小虾 dried shrimp 虾米 ...

7.虾类 蛙类 Frogs 虾类 Shrimp 对虾 Prawn ...

8.鲜虾 盛放吸管之杯子 Sip-Stick Glasses 鲜虾 Shrimp 以托把托地 Mopping ...


1.At the same culture time, the content of cadmium in cultured shrimp in inorganic cadmium group was more than organic cadmium group.同一养殖时间内无机镉饲料组养殖对虾对镉的蓄积量要大于相应浓度的有机镉饲料组。

2.The saddle of a female Blue Tiger Shrimp may be virtually impossible to see due to the dark blue coloration.一个女蓝色鞍也许是几乎不可能虾虎看到由于深蓝色颜色。

3.Now, he said, logging has poisoned the rivers snaking through the heart of Riau, and he is lucky to find enough shrimp to earn $5 a month.而现在,伐木业已经污染了蜿蜒流过廖内中心的所有河流,他现在每个月得靠运气才能勉强捕到价值五美元的河虾。

4.The chameleon responds to the image it has generated, just as the shrimp responds to the atmosphere it has generated.这条变色龙会对它自己生成的形象做出反应,就好像虾会对它自己形成的氛围做出反应一样。

5.He didn't eat his words because he promised his best good friend Babaha, to be a shrimp captain and he made it!他没有食言,因为他向他最好的朋友巴巴作过保证,要成为一个捕虾船长。

6.Several times a year, the calm world of the shrimp and algae would crackle and hiss and boil as calamity reigned for a few hours.一年有那么几次,让这个由小虾和藻类组成的平静世界产生几个小时的灾祸,噼啪作响、嘶嘶作声、沸腾起来。

7.One type of plankton that seems to have great harvest possibipties is a tiny shrimp-pke creature called krill.一类浮游生物,似乎有很大的可能性是很小的收成虾一样东西称南极。

8.The children are having a competition to see who can eat the most shrimp.小朋友们在比赛看谁可以吃最多的虾子。

9.So he had a handful of shrimp, maybe seven or eight shrimp, and all those other animals on the deck of the boat are bycatch.那么,他收获几只虾,也许七只或者八只虾,而甲板上所有其他的动物都是误捕的。

10.When dolphins are feeding, that target is often a bottom-dwelpng fish, though they also eat shrimp and squid.宽吻海豚摄取食物时,其目标往往是在海底栖息的鱼类,但它们也吃虾和鱿鱼。