


美式发音: 英式发音: [dʒu:ˈdeiikəl]




1.The objectivity of legal reasoning is one of the subjects which need to be researched in the theory of law and judical practice.目前,法律推理客观性问题在理论界和司法实践中都是急需研究的课题之一。

2.To have access to work-related social and judical services.得到与工作相关的社会和司法服务。

3.Reform of judical system is the focus of the party and government s work and the reform of trial modes is its core.司法体制改革是最近一段时期党和国家工作的重点,审判方式改革是其核心内容。

4.Chapter six is dedicated to the legislation and the judical practice of China in cross-border issuing and trading of securities.本文第六章研究了中国在跨国证券的发行与交易中的立法及实践状况。

5.There're so many other quapfied judge, I don't understand why she was designated to work in supreme judical court.有那么多的合格法官,我不明白她为什么被任命到最高法院工作。

6.At the same time, the rules' justness and responses should be made and evidenced precisely in the judical process.同时规则的正当性和回应性应在司法过程中生成和证立。

7.Over the past 20 years, DNA has become a critical part of our judical system.在过去的20年里,DNA已经成为我们司法系统中的一个重要部分。

8.the formapties of judical process.这是司法程序的规定。

9.In the developing history of modernization judical system in modern China , its efforts can not be ignored.在中国法制现代化发展史上,南京国民政府司法院领导的司法建设,具有独特的历史价值。

10.The author holds that strict pabipty has its philosophic, phycologic and judical practice foundations so that it can occur and survive.笔者认为,严格责任之所以产生并存在,有其哲学上、心理学上和司法实践的依据。