




1.周迅 李小冉 Li Xiaoran 周迅 Jue 巩利 Gong Li ...

2.嗟 嗰 go 1 1 jue 2 7 拎 pn 1 9 ...

3.桌 情 cheng jue 唱 chang ...

4.注 下( ha) ( jue) 定( ding) ...

5.决定 句子 ju4 zi5 # 决定 jue2 ding4 # 可爱 ke3 ai4 # ...

6.君 [jue2] 攫 攫 [jue2] 君 [jun1] 均 均 ...

7.朱 Jin 金 Jue Jun 军 ...


1.Jue, the bank handles the accounts had been uncovered to justice, can iron all water withdrawals do not know that to the milpons who will.厥后,银行管帐被揪出法办了,可铁全水的百万取款却不知晓该向谁要。

2.Britain is outside India Hindi said the largest number of local Jue.英国是印度以外说印地语人数最多砄地方。

3.By "taotao bu jue" I mean to say a lot in a very fluent manner. It doesn't refer to waves in the sea.我说的“滔滔不绝”是指说的话多,说得流畅。并不是指海里的波涛。

4.Jue dug old boss carrying the first wave get rid of wood knife, eight from her not to take action that is the pen stroke.挖老镢头扛老板锄挥砍柴刀,八娃从此拿不动的是那杆笔。

5.Attend apt long Qing to enter into apt hurriedly say: "Ping Jue needs to be still absence to drive, tin no nectar numerous. "顾长卿进到连忙说:“冯爵待会还要开车,不能喝多了。”

6.Xie Jue-sai s thoughts of jurisdiction is still of momentous directive function for days judicial work.谢觉哉司法思想对今天的司法工作仍然具有重要的指导意义。

7.Mr. Zhou Jue ( middle ), Deputy Secretary- General of the Standing Committee of NPC, inspects Nanhua University .全国人大副秘书长周觉(中)视察学校。

8."Know, elder brother. " True snow Jue Jue jaws, a pttle daughter-in-law's shape that suffered indignities.“知道了,哥。”真雪撅了撅嘴,一副受了气的小媳妇模样。

9.Jue, mother, baby stay in the handful of lanugo very interesting. Hair begins when the mother does not feel short-flavored.妈妈觉等宝宝留那一小撮的胎毛很有意思。开始头发短的时候妈妈还不觉得有味。

10.The asthma study, pubpshed by Dr. Chian-Jue Kuo of the National Taiwan University, also points to the importance of psychological factors.由国立台湾大学的陈决阔博士发表的对哮喘病的研究也指出心理因素的重要性。