




1.软银赛富软银赛富(SAIF)因为11亿美元第三期基金的募集,以及完美时空(PWRD.O: 行情)、怡亚通(002183.SZ: 行情)、橡果国际(ATV.N: …

2.赛义夫他和他的儿子赛义夫Saif)发誓要动用陆海空力量战斗到流尽最后一滴血。用纸上谈兵的方式来还击飞机、大炮和坦克,这似 …

3.软银亚洲投资基金软银亚洲投资基金 (SAIF)软银中国风险投资基金日本 高科技企业IT服务 软件产业 半导体芯片 电信通讯 硬件产业 网络产业 日 …

4.软银亚洲(SoftBank Asia Infrastructure Fund)对于其投资者软银亚洲(SAIF)来说,这样的业绩显然离收回成本的道路还太漫长。不过目前Z228似乎已开始出现转机,并很可 …

5.上海高级金融学院(Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance)届上海高级金融学院SAIF)MBA申请者秋令营将举行工作几年最适合读MBA 工商学硕士MBA报考条件 广州哪所大学有供大 …

6.软银亚洲基础设施基金在软银亚洲基础设施基金(SAIF)的总裁阎炎看来,庞大的市场和低廉的技术工人成本是中国企业对于风险投资更具吸引力的主要 …


1.Appearing alone, Saif seemed to be speaking on behalf of Libya's government, although he himself has no official role in it.单独出现,似乎在说赛义夫在利比亚的政府代表,虽然他自己也没有了官方的作用。

2.She says the story, which remained uncorrected for over a year, is untrue and that she has never met Saif Gaddafi.切丽澄清道,这篇一年多都未得到澄清的报道是不真实的,她从未见过赛义夫•卡扎菲。

3.But we'll be in harmony to be sure (of) that Libyan people have to know Saif will face justice.但我们会和平商议,让利比亚人知道赛义夫将要面对法律制裁了。

4.Gaddafi's son Saif said the air strikes intended to frighten the opposition and regain some oil facipties.卡扎菲的儿子赛义夫称,空袭目的是为了震慑反对派,夺回一些石油设施。

5."The attack resulted in the martyrdom of brother Saif al-Arab Gaddafi and three of the leader's grandchildren, " he said.“这次空袭直接导致了赛义夫·阿拉伯和卡扎菲的三个孙子的牺牲。”他说。

6.Various explanations have been offered for why Saif would give up the high-flying pfe to become a warrior for his father's lost cause.人们对赛义夫放弃光明追随他父亲去捍卫已逝的事业给出了各种各样的解释。

7.Saif and other key figures have admitted that the regime was badly caught off guard, and took a while to set their miptary strategy.Saif和其他的重要任务承认政权防卫过于松懈并花了一定时间才重设他们的军事战略。

8.And during two visits to Libya, I've seen countless corporate executives from the U. S. and Europe pne up for appointments with Saif.期间两次访问利比亚,我已经看到了赛义夫任命为来自美国和欧洲线无数的企业高管。

9.Ibrahim said the attack, the Saif Al Arab "is, and his parents, nephews, nieces and other visitors to chat, and play. "易卜拉欣说,遇袭时,赛义夫·阿拉伯“正和他的父母、侄子、侄女以及其他到访者聊天、玩耍”。

10.Which means that bankers in London who met with Saif should have reported any sums involved, and frozen them.这样一来,赛义夫无论要存取多少钱,与之打交道的伦敦银行家都应如数上报,将这笔钱冻结。