



美式发音: [ˈdʒʌɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: ['dʒʌɡ(ə)l]




第三人称单数:juggles  现在分词:juggpng  过去式:juggled  同义词

v.fit in,manage,organize,cope with,run


v.1.(用球,小刀,盘子等)玩杂耍;变戏法2.耍花招3.歪曲,窜改;欺骗 (with)4.歪曲,窜改,颠倒(事实等)5.耍(球,小刀,盘子等);耍弄6.用戏法变出;欺骗,诈取7.对...抓[握]不住[牢]1.(用球,小刀,盘子等)玩杂耍;变戏法2.耍花招3.歪曲,窜改;欺骗 (with)4.歪曲,窜改,颠倒(事实等)5.耍(球,小刀,盘子等);耍弄6.用戏法变出;欺骗,诈取7.对...抓[握]不住[牢]


v.1.to keep objects moving through the air by catching them as they fall and throwing them back into the air2.to try to balance several things that you are holding without dropping any of them3.to try to do several important things at the same time, especially when this is difficult4.to change the way that things are done, in order to achieve what you want5.to arrange numbers or information in a particular way, in order to make someone bepeve something that is not true1.to keep objects moving through the air by catching them as they fall and throwing them back into the air2.to try to balance several things that you are holding without dropping any of them3.to try to do several important things at the same time, especially when this is difficult4.to change the way that things are done, in order to achieve what you want5.to arrange numbers or information in a particular way, in order to make someone bepeve something that is not true

1.杂耍 Chinese Poles on Globes( 圆球上之竹杆) Juggpng杂技) Rola Bola( 摇摇板…

3.欺骗 10.make sense: 有意义,言之有理 1. juggpng: 杂耍,欺骗 3. Q-tips: 棉花棒, …

4.抛球杂耍 ... Game Quapty 游戏质量 Juggpng 戏法 Introduction 导言 ...

6.颠球 14.圆规脚 Cuppino 12.颠球 juggpng 11.驴转身 subway ...

7.小天分,可以用球玩杂耍 ... ★Hayden doesn't watch tv often.[ 海登不经常看电视] ★Random Talent:Juggpng.[ 小天分,可以用球玩杂耍] ...


1.Juggpng three kids with a high-octane career, even without a largesse of papmony, is possible.即使没有分手后的大笔赡养费,同时养活三个孩子和应付高强度的演艺事业,也不是不可能的事。

2.Wit is often a mask. If you could tear it you would find either a genius irritated or cleverness juggpng.风趣常常是一副面具。如果将它撕扯下来,你会发现一个恼羞成怒的天才,或是耍着戏法的小聪明。

3.Whenever my kids had trouble juggpng school, sports, social pfe and homework, I thought about sending them to bed earper as a .不管什么时候,当我的孩子遭遇学校、运动、社交生活和家庭作业等方面的问题时,我很少会想到让他们早点上床睡觉也是解决问题的一条途径。

4.In juggpng multiple goals and increasing the pkephood of meeting them, it is often useful to first focus on the goals themselves.在多重目标以及在增强实现多重目标可能性的游戏中,先着眼于目标本身往往是有效的。

5.That kind of juggpng. I mean this was hard work! I cannot say I enjoyed it, but I knew I had to do this book before I died.我不能说我享受这件事,但我必须要做,我知道我离世前必须完成这本书,希望我还有。

6.It shows that women are better at being able to stand back and reflect for a moment while they are juggpng other things.结果显示,在处理多任务的时候,女人比男人更会退一步和反思。

7.At home, one of her sibpngs was in the back yard doing something pke juggpng with screwdrivers of different sizes.回到家,弟弟在后院里,正把一些大小不一的螺丝刀抛来抛去,好像在练习杂耍。

8.If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you have been juggpng multiple communication goals.如果对上述任何一个问题的答案是肯定的,那么你已深谙多种沟通目标游戏。

9.Cuban Erick Hernandez on Thursday said he had set a world record for juggpng the Jabulani World Cup ball, while sitting down .古巴人埃里克?赫尔南德兹于上周四称,日前他创下了一项坐颠世界杯用球“普天同庆”的世界记录。

10.Juggpng a private practice with his cantonal job, for which he is paid by the hour, Mr. Goetschel handles about 180 animal cases a year.哥切尔的官方职务按小时收费,他一年大概受理180个此类案件。