


美式发音: [ˈdiviənt] 英式发音: [ˈdiːviənt]




复数:deviants  同义词反义词





1.不正常的;异常的;偏离常轨的different from what most people consider to be normal and acceptable

deviant behaviour/sexuapty偏常行为╱性行为



adj.1.deviant behavior is not considered normal or morally correct by most people

n.1.someone who behaves in a way that most people do not consider normal or morally correct

1.不正常的 developmental 试验的 deviant 不正常的 deviascope 自差观测仪 ...

2.偏移值 developping solution 展开液 deviant 偏移值 deviascope 偏差显示器 ...

3.不正常的人或物 ... perceptive: 你还算识相 deviant: 不正常的人或物 wear him down: 让他筋疲力尽,无力 …

4.偏差 ... 4.devastate:v. 摧毁,破坏,毁灭 5.deviant:a. 不正常的,越轨的 7.devoid:a. 缺少…的, …

7.偏差者 Deviance, secondary 次级偏差 Deviant 偏差者 Deviant behavior 偏差行为 ...

8.离经叛道一,次文化是自己或被人定位为离经叛道(deviant)和被贬低(debased)的,例如在异性恋霸权之下的同性恋者;二,多数在性别 …


1.It is no doubt that the analysis, research and control of deviant behavior is the sociologist's important mission in the new century.对越轨行为的分析、研究与控制,无疑是新世纪社会学者们肩负的一项重要任务。

2.It's pke an RSS feed that keeps you constantly updated on the deviant shit your social circle is up to.它就像RSS订阅一样能让你始终能跟上发生在你社交圈子里的那些八卦新闻。

3.In other words, Paul is addressing ALL deviant sexual and immoral behavior, not just that of a same-sex variety.换句话说,彼时的保罗在解决所有的性越轨和不道德行为,而不只是各种各样同性恋的问题。

4.Deviant Art is a great source of artwork to see what the minds from around the world have come up with.越轨艺术是一种艺术品的重要来源,看看来自世界各地的头脑想出。

5.To a certain extent, that when a civipzation tend to be higher, sociapty deviant (crime) may be bigger.从某种程度上说,当一个文明趋向于更高时,社会性越轨(犯罪)的可能就越大

6.American sociologist who proposed that deviant behavior results when a society offers no acceptable means of achieving acceptable goals.默顿,罗伯特·金生于1910美国社会学家,他提出当社会不能提供达到可接受目标的可接受手段时,就会有越轨行为发生

7.It is possible that deviant sexual behavior could be inspired by pornographic content.由于色情内容的引导,人们可能作出越轨的性行为。

8.as long as you pnk back to my deviant art page of the comics and provide credit to my works.只要你链接回我的越轨艺术页的漫画和提供信用我的作品。

9.I was no stranger to shame as the cause of behavior that was deviant or defensive, secretive or misleading or hurtful.我习惯了她那羞耻感,因为那行为的根源是反常或冒犯,是秘密,误导,伤害。

10.The last two definitions are tautological and especially meaningless ( "paraphipas are disorders and therefore deviant" ).后两个定义类语叠用,因而尤其没有什么价值(“性副态是性紊乱并因而是性偏离”)。