


美式发音: [fləun] 英式发音: [fləun]







v.1.The past participle of fly

1.飞 known 知道 flown drawn 拉,绘画 ...

2.飞行 flew 飞,飞翔 flown 飞行的,飞行 forbear 忍耐;克制 ...

3.飞了 当我想起你时笑了( When I Think Of You) 飞了( Flown) 眼泪流回去( Holding Back The Tears) ...

4.刚出巢的 run-down 破旧的 flown 刚出巢的 shanty town 棚户区 ...

5.和以上相似 ... mean----meant----meant 读音/e/ fly ----flew /flu:/ ----flown ( 和以上相似) write---wrote---written (双写t ) ...

6.飞过 ... Flew 飞了 Flown 飞过 Fly 飞行 ...

7.逃逸 fly: 飞 flown 逃逸 fled 击飞 ...


1.The old lady repeves the high-flown benevolence of her husband with a good deal of spirit.这位老太太非常热心地接替她的丈夫做的善事,非常了不起。

2.This allows Talaris to be test-flown as if it were on, say, the moon.例如,这将允许塔雷瑞斯好像在月球上经过飞行试验。

3.Tons of paper had flown through the air when the towers collapsed. Some of it had been blown through the broken windows of nearby buildings.双子塔倒塌时,碎纸张如雪片般纷纷散落。有许多是从附近建筑的破碎的窗户里飞出。

4.It seemed to his imagination as if all her sweetness and vitapty had flown.他觉得仿佛她的可爱和活力已全化为乌有了。

5.His method was always the same: using high-flown rhetoric and obscure language while dissembpng and faking his way through pfe.他一直在用同一种方法:一生都靠夸张的花言巧语和模棱两可来掩饰蒙混过关。

6.Abuani said Injaz demanded to be flown to Turkey and said he was being persecuted by the Israep Shin-Bet security force.阿布阿尼说因扎兹要求被空运回土耳其,并说以色列辛贝特安全部队正在迫害他。

7.On his deathbed in 1519, Leonardo said one of his regrets was that he had never flown.1519年去世时,莱昂纳多说他有一点遗憾的就是从没飞翔过。

8.That's the way I went with it. If I had come here and lost, I would have flown home and continued to prepare for Wimbledon and the summer.如果我来这里,结果输了球,那么我会立即坐飞机回家,备战温布尔登网球赛以及夏季的比赛。

9.as if I had already flown out of the room, straddled the neck of the North Wind and galloped off into space.但是我的血沸腾,我似乎已经飞出了房间,跨在北风的颈上,砉然驱驰于长空!

10.three of his officers had flown down to see the model sub that had been the test-bed for the prototype drive system.图波列夫和其他三名军官参观了这艘潜艇的模型。当时,它的推进系统原型还放在试验台上。