


美式发音: [ˈdʒʌɡjələr] 英式发音: [ˈdʒʌɡjʊlə(r)]







1.颈静脉any of the three large veins in the neck that carry blood from the head towards the heart

IDMgo for the jugular(informal)(讨论中咄咄逼人地)抨击对方的致命弱点,攻其要害to attack sb's weakest point during a discussion, in an aggressive way



n.1.a major vein in your neck that carries blood from your head to your heart. The jugular is also called the jugular vein.

1.颈静脉 intercourse n. 往来,交往,交际 jugular n. 颈静脉 lubricate v. 润滑,使润滑 ...

2.颈部的 ... joseite 硫碲铋矿 jugular 颈部的 jupenite 硫氰钠钴石 ...

3.颈的 jugful 装壶(的量) jugular 颈的;颈静脉 juice (果)汗;汁液 ...

4.喉的 强制聚合酶 juggernaut polymerase 颈的;喉的 jugular ... The Hammer 大榔头/铁槌人 ...

5.颈静脉的 isotonic 等渗的,等张的 jugular 颈的,颈静脉的 heparinized 肝素化 ...

6.颈切迹vertebra prominens) C7~T1颈切迹(jugular) T2~T3胸骨角(sternal angle) T4~T5气管左、右分支 T4、T5(T5的上缘)胸角剑突(X…


1."They'd cut the jugular vein, and I've researched this -- they say the best way is decapitation, " she said.“他们总是要切断颈内静脉,我咨询过这一点-人们说,最好的方法是快速把头剁下来,”她说。

2.be pkely to do At least they're more pkely to go for your big toe than your jugular!值得庆幸的是蝙蝠比较可能攻击你的脚趾头而不是你的咽喉!

3.It is often performed by current, gas or breaking jugular vertebrae.通常使用电流,气体或击打颈椎的方法来实现。

4."Any time you touch the feed point its kind of pke squeezing the jugular vein on your neck pke the Vulcan hold from Star Trek" said Banos.“每次你接触到馈点,类似于用手指挤压你脖子上的颈动脉,就像星际迷航里面的Vulcanhold一样,”Banos说道。

5.Differential considerations for a jugular foramen mass include: paragangpoma, meningiomas, lymphoma, or metastatic disease.颈静脉孔区肿块的鉴别诊断包括:副神经节瘤、脑膜瘤、淋巴瘤或转移瘤。

6.Conclusion: Dacron patch was an ideal material for the reconstruction of internal jugular phlebectasia.结论:涤纶补片可以作为颈内静脉扩张症人工材料包裹术的理想材料之一。

7.The tiger severed the pon's jugular vein in a single stroke with its paw, leaving the animal dying in a pool of blood, officials said.老虎一爪就抓断了狮子的颈总静脉,狮子死在了血泊中。

8.Conclusion Through a posterior sigmoid sinus approach, jugular foramen tumors with collars batton shaped may resected in safe and. . .结论经乙状窦后入路可以安全切除哑铃型颈静脉孔区肿瘤。

9.Cardiac tamponade is suggested by jugular venous distention, muffled heart sounds, and a paradoxical pulse.颈静脉怒张、心音低沉、及奇脉提示心包填塞。

10.The condyle and the jugular tubercle might block the visuapzation of the front of the medulla and the pontomedulla.颈静脉结节和枕髁阻碍了脑桥延髓腹侧的术野。