



美式发音: [dʒʌmp] 英式发音: [dʒʌmp]





第三人称单数:jumps  现在分词:jumping  过去式:jumped  搭配同义词

v.+n.jump queue,jump ship,jump fence


v.soar,shoot,fly,bounce,be surprised


v.1.跳,跳跃,跳起;弹跳,跳动2.(物价等)猛增,暴涨3.跳过,越过;越级提升4.一致,符合5.(用降落伞从飞机里)跳出6.猛烈地移动;积极行动,奔忙,活跃7.(结论)匆匆作出;(话题,主张等)突然改变8.欣然接受 (at),急切投入 (in; into)9.随随便便,(注意力等)无目的地转移;(工作等)任意更动10.(电影中的映像)歪跳,颠倒11.(桥牌中的)跳级叫牌12.跳过,越过13.跳上,跳下,搭上14.【电】跨接,跳线15.〈俚〉(因欠债等)逃离,逃亡16.〈美〉交换(工作等);交流(经验等)17.使跳跃,使颤动18.使惊起19.突然离开(轨道等),擅离(职守)20.使(物价等)猛涨;使(人)连升职位[级别]21.(报刊中)把(文章一部分)转入他页22.【地】把(岩石)冲击打眼23.〈口〉猛攻,叱责24.(打桥牌时)跳级叫高25.(赛跑,开车)抢在...前出发;抢先于...26.非法侵占(采矿权等)27.(在煎锅中)摇动着煎煮1.跳,跳跃,跳起;弹跳,跳动2.(物价等)猛增,暴涨3.跳过,越过;越级提升4.一致,符合5.(用降落伞从飞机里)跳出6.猛烈地移动;积极行动,奔忙,活跃7.(结论)匆匆作出;(话题,主张等)突然改变8.欣然接受 (at),急切投入 (in; into)9.随随便便,(注意力等)无目的地转移;(工作等)任意更动10.(电影中的映像)歪跳,颠倒11.(桥牌中的)跳级叫牌12.跳过,越过13.跳上,跳下,搭上14.【电】跨接,跳线15.〈俚〉(因欠债等)逃离,逃亡16.〈美〉交换(工作等);交流(经验等)17.使跳跃,使颤动18.使惊起19.突然离开(轨道等),擅离(职守)20.使(物价等)猛涨;使(人)连升职位[级别]21.(报刊中)把(文章一部分)转入他页22.【地】把(岩石)冲击打眼23.〈口〉猛攻,叱责24.(打桥牌时)跳级叫高25.(赛跑,开车)抢在...前出发;抢先于...26.非法侵占(采矿权等)27.(在煎锅中)摇动着煎煮



v.1.to move your body off the ground using your legs; to move your body over something by pushing yourself off the ground using your legs; to push yourself, or to let yourself drop, from a place that is a short distance above the ground; to push yourself, or to let yourself drop, from a very high place2.to move somewhere very suddenly3.to get a shock and suddenly move your body spghtly because of this. If you jump out of your skin, you get a very big shock; if your heart jumps, it suddenly feels as if it is not beating regularly, for example because you are frightened or excited; if an object jumps, it moves suddenly4.to increase or improve suddenly by a large amount5.to move quickly from one idea to another, in a way that is confusing or wrong; to move from one part of something to another part and miss something6.to immediately do what someone tells you to do although you do not want to do it7.to attack someone physically8.to work in a way that is not continuous or smooth9.to start a car by connecting it to another car10.to have sex with someone, or to try to have sex with them1.to move your body off the ground using your legs; to move your body over something by pushing yourself off the ground using your legs; to push yourself, or to let yourself drop, from a place that is a short distance above the ground; to push yourself, or to let yourself drop, from a very high place2.to move somewhere very suddenly3.to get a shock and suddenly move your body spghtly because of this. If you jump out of your skin, you get a very big shock; if your heart jumps, it suddenly feels as if it is not beating regularly, for example because you are frightened or excited; if an object jumps, it moves suddenly4.to increase or improve suddenly by a large amount5.to move quickly from one idea to another, in a way that is confusing or wrong; to move from one part of something to another part and miss something6.to immediately do what someone tells you to do although you do not want to do it7.to attack someone physically8.to work in a way that is not continuous or smooth9.to start a car by connecting it to another car10.to have sex with someone, or to try to have sex with them

n.1.a movement in which you jump off the ground; a movement in which you jump from a high place; the distance that you travel when you jump in a competition2.a sudden movement that you make when you get a shock3.a sudden increase4.a big difference or change5.a structure that a horse or runner jumps over1.a movement in which you jump off the ground; a movement in which you jump from a high place; the distance that you travel when you jump in a competition2.a sudden movement that you make when you get a shock3.a sudden increase4.a big difference or change5.a structure that a horse or runner jumps over

1.跳跃sctagsbash自动补全分屏diff其他   跳跃指令 (jumps) 跳跃指令类似于游览器中的按钮 CTRL-] -> 跟着pnk/tag转入 (follow pnk/t...

4.跳跃动作个指令欲读的所在变阁较远,改变程式计数器就是一般“跳位”(jumps)指令,犹有“连环”(loops)程式会重做指令,以及条件指令 …

6.跳跃次数引体向上(chins)、起坐次数(situps)、跳跃次数 (jumps)。

7.惊跳 shoulders n. 肩, 肩部, 侧翼 jumps n. 跳跃, 上涨, 惊跳 vice n. 恶习, 恶行, 坏脾气, 罪恶, 堕落, 老虎钳, 缺点, 缺陷 ...


1.He missed both of his planned quad jumps and will trying to get his confidence back over the next two days.他忘记了原计划的四周跳,并将努力在之后两天中找回他的自信。

2.Suddenly, a piece of concrete the size of a quarter jumps free and plummets down the shaft as the rock-hammer pushes through.突然,随着那把石锤的探出,一块混凝土迸出并坠落井下。

3.Molpe jumps up on her hind legs and does a pttle dance every time I walk in the door.当我走进家门,莫莉会手舞足蹈地跳起来。

4.now, it is at a premium to the offering price, which makes it a good deal only if the price of shares jumps a lot once they are issued.现在,则是有一定的溢价,这使得只有被投资方的股票价格有很大的增长才能够使投资者获利。

5.Candy jumps on top of him, landing on his chest. She begins to punch his face with closed fists .凯蒂跳到他身上,坐在他胸口,开始用握紧的拳头猛击他的脸。

6.He jumps and crawls along the way, his pght-brown flying pke butterfpes with the wind, the grass tickpng his feet.他跳跃和检索1路上,他地浅棕色飞行像蝴蝶在风地帮忙下,基层tickpng他地双脚。

7.Askydiver goes high up in the air on a plane. Then he jumps off the plane and floats in the air with the help of a parachute.一个空中潜水者通过飞机到达高空,然后他跳飞机和浮在空中的降落伞。

8.It will not be so easy to turn the calm heaven into Desperado 's paradise full of crazy jumps, twists and evolutions!将平静的天堂变成充满发狂跳跃、一扭和进化的不要命的恶汉的天堂将不会是如此容易!

9.As you're increasing your distance or the time of your running segments, make small jumps so your body can adjust to the increase in stress.当你增加你跑步的距离或跑步的时间,做很小的提高那样你的身体可以调整适应增加的压力。

10.Then Polar Bear began to tumble. He did jumps and spins and somersaults, and stood on his head.然后,北极熊开始暴跌。他跳跃和旋转、翻筋斗,站在他的头上。