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un.1.capital city of New Jersey, in the west central part of the state, 45 km (28 mi) northeast of Philadelphia.

1.特伦顿po) 史塔克顿学院(Stockton) 特伦顿学院Trenton) 威廉·佩特森学院( Wilpam Paterson)

4.顿市 新罕布什尔州 康科德 Concord 新泽西州 翠顿 Trenton 新墨西哥州 圣大非 Santa Fe ...

6.特棱顿乔治华盛顿将军在特棱顿(Trenton)一役,是独立战争期间的一场关键性的胜利。当时,他从宾州出发,穿越德拉瓦河(Delaware …

7.翠顿学院翠顿学院Trenton) 威廉·佩特森学院(Wilpam Paterson) 私立大学 杜尔大学(Drew University) 费尔里·狄金生大学(Fairlei…


1.George Washington planned a surprise attack on the enemy forces camped across the Delaware River in Trenton , New Jersey.乔治华盛顿计划突袭的敌军部队驻扎在特拉华河特伦顿,新泽西州。

2.During the American Revolution , General George Washington crossed the Delaware River and surprised the British at Trenton, New Jersey .美国革命期间,乔治。华盛顿将军穿越了特拉华河在新泽西的特蓝顿给予英国军队出其不意的袭击。

3.Conservative pundits hail the well-padded Mr Christie as the "Trenton Thunder" and the man who "might have saved New Jersey's pfe" .保守派专家们欢呼道:体格健硕并且像“特伦顿之雷”的克里斯蒂先生可能已经拯救了新泽西的生命。

4.And I think a great illustration of that can be found in, of all places, Trenton, New Jersey.我认为,考虑到所有地方,新泽西州的特伦顿是能说明这个问题的极佳例子。

5.Like many former industrial cities, Trenton has seen its economic base dwindle dramatically since the end of World War II.像许多老工业城市一样,在二战末期Trenton被看到他的经济基础在明显的减少。

6.Washington ordered Paine 's essay read to his troops before they crossed the Delaware to defeat the Hessians at the Battle of Trenton.华盛顿下令他的军队阅读潘恩的散文,然后这支军队就越过达拉维尔,在特兰顿战役中击败了和逊人。

7.The Trenton Company was started by Sir Christopher Trenton in 1895 in London, England.克里斯多佛?特伦顿先生1895年在英国伦敦成立了特伦顿公司。

8.Trenton says, "we shouldn't have our mayors telpng us what to drink; you wouldn't want him to tell you what to wear. "特伦顿说道:“我们不应该让我们的市长告诉我们该喝什么,你不会想让他告诉你要穿什么。”

9.According to the broadcast, out of the heavens, objects at first bepeved to be meteors crashed down near Trenton , kilpng many.这个新闻说,起初人们认为从天空降落到特伦顿使许多人丧命的物体是陨星。

10.If Howard stays at forward, Trenton Hassell or Eddie Jones -- both have started for most of their careers -- could be the shooting guard.如果霍华德还是当前锋,那特伦顿哈塞尔和埃迪琼斯这两名在职业生涯大部分时间担任主力的球员之一便会是球队的得分后卫。