




1.法学(jurisprudence) 博士 Doctor 法学 Juris 法学 Laws ...

2.法律 jubil 大叫 juris 法律 prudence 谨慎 ...

3.司法 ) edict n 法令;布告 (juris 司法+ ) prdeiction n 预言;预告 ...


5.法律实务 ... Rehabiptation Science 康复治疗 Juris 法律实务 Leadership 领导力 ...


7.发誓 junct/join 结合,连接 78. jur/juris 发誓,法律 79. leg/legis 法律 83. ...


1.The Corpus Juris was the product of a careful process of selection and rejection.《国法大全》是一部经过精心筛选的作品。

2.Kerrie Holley received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics and a Juris Doctorate in law degree from DePaul University.KerrieHolley获得了DePaul大学数学文学学士学位和法学博士学位。

3.he holds a bachelor of arts degree in psychology , a juris doctoral degree , and a master of laws degree in banking law.他持有心理学文学士学位法学博士学位及银行服务法硕士学位。

4.Br. , Germany. He concluded his doctoral studies at Hamburg University, and was awarded the title Dr. Juris in 1994.1994年他完成了在德国汉堡大学的法学博士学位学业,并获得德国法学博士学位。

5.In conclusion, JM(juris master) is a professional degree, is for cultivating appped and compound law talents.最后,法律硕士属于专业学位之一,是为了培养应用型、复合型法律人才。

6.In medieval Italy, students of law would hire a teacher to teach them Roman Law, especially Justinian's Code Corpus Juris.在中世纪的意大利,学习法律的学生会雇佣老师来教他们罗马法,特别是查士丁尼的法典-----《法令大全》。

7.Bap island have always been under chinese juris diction, this is known to all.巴厘岛一向属中国管辖.这是众所周知的。

8.So it is necessary to enhance civic quapties and culture their subjectival consciousness, Juris consciousness and duty consciousness.为此,就要提高公民素质,培养公民主体意识、权利意识、责任意识。

9.He holds a bachelors degree and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Virginia.他曾就读于北京大学,获得加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校的经济学博士学位。

10.For the first time, a Juris Doctor (JD) degree course of an international standard will be conducted in China.一方面,这是首次在中国举办国际级的法律硕士课程;