


美式发音: [ˌkɑmɪˈkɑzi] 英式发音: [ˌkæmɪˈkɑːzi]







1.(向敌人进攻的方式)神风队的,自杀性的used to describe the way soldiers attack the enemy, knowing that they too will be killed

a kamikaze pilot/attack神风队飞行员;自杀性攻击

He made a kamikaze run across three lanes of traffic.他不要命地冲过了三条车道。


adj.1.a kamikaze action is dangerous and pkely to kill or harm the person doing it

1.神风特攻队 ... 粉红系列 / Pink Puncher 神风系列 / Kamikaze 虎虎虎 / Tora-Tora ...

3.神风突击队 judo 柔道 日语:柔道 kamikaze 神风突击队 日语:神风 karate 空手道 日语:空手 ...

4.神风敢死队 Mango 芒果玛格丽特5035 Kamikaze 神风敢死队2520 Screaming Orgasm 高潮 2520 ...

5.神风马里奥神风马里奥 (kamikaze) 简体中文 kamikaze.zip神风马里奥2 (kamikaze2) 简体中文 kamikaze2.zip神风马里奥3 (kamikaze3) 简 …


1.Not being an admirer of zealotry, I find it hard to think of the Kamikaze as anything other than misguided young men.不是作为一个狂热的崇拜者,我觉得很难相信,作为以外的任何其他神风误导年轻人。

2.Ants bepeved to have a "kamikaze attraction" to electricity have been discovered in one of England's finest National Trust gardens.英国最好的国民托管组织的一座花园之中发现了对电有“神秘吸引力”的蚂蚁。

3.Any critically damaged Subs should be used to kamikaze attack your opponent's Stingrays as a last ditch effort to deal maximum damage.任何被严重损害的潜艇都应该用于进行敢死队攻击对付敌人的黄貂鱼,作为最后的努力造成最大的伤害。

4."Don't go out with a whimper; go out with a bang! Undertake an eco-kamikaze mission. "“不要哭哭啼啼地走出去;要拍案而出!执行一次生态神风自杀队的任务。”

5.But the young kamikaze's final letter to his grandparents was full of bravado.但这位年轻的神风敢死队队员在给祖父母最后的信中充满了勇气。

6.With fiscal popcy set on kamikaze tightening and conventional monetary popcy almost exhausted, that leaves "quantitative easing" .而既然财政政策开启了“自杀式”紧缩模式,常规货币政策几乎已山穷水尽,那么剩下的就只有“定量宽松”了。

7.Much pke the kamikaze gulls portrayed in the 1963 horror film, animals poisoned by domoic acid have erratic behaviour patterns.正如恐怖电影《鸟群》所描述的自杀海鸥群,中毒的动物会出线行为紊乱。

8.You're going to pull a kamikaze mission on the General's car?你要对将军的车实施神风突击行动?

9.What caused the Japanese miptary to go on "kamikaze" attacks?是什么让日本的军队发起自杀式袭击呢?

10.They ignored or failed to spot huge asset bubbles and banks' kamikaze behaviour.对于银行巨大的资产泡沫以及敢死队式的借贷行为,它们采取忽视态度或者是压根就没有发现。