

Times Square

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na.1.(纽约市 Broadway 与42号街交叉处的)纽约时报广场2.〈美〉纽约方言

1.时代广场现在位置:首页 >> 空间设计_休息厅空间设计 >> 时代广场Times-Square)购物中心休息厅设计 http://www.zhongguosyzs.c…


1.Now he is usually seen around the corner of 48th Street and Seventh Avenue, a block or two from the heart of Times Square.现在,一般可以在48街街角和第七大道周边看到他,那里距时代广场中心一到两个街区。

2.Though it has 15, 000 Chinese employees and plans to open a newsroom in New York City's Times Square, Xinhua isn't just a media behemoth.虽然它拥有15000名员工,并计划在中国开设在纽约市的时代广场新闻编辑室,新华社不仅是一个媒体巨头。

3.There was an awkward moment in Times Square when he saw the Naked Cowboy and said, 'Please tell me you're not a Democratic Congressman.当他看到时代广场的赤裸牛仔时说:不要告诉我你是个民主党的议员。

4.Here is Times Square, the two streams that came together to make a wetland in Times Square, as it was at the end of the American Revolution.这里是时代广场,两股水流在这里汇合,形成了湿地。这时正值美国革命末。

5.People were celebrating at ground zero and in Times Square, cheering as if the ball had dropped on New Year's.人们正在坍塌点和时代广场上庆祝,就好像庆祝新年的球体落下一般。

6."My dream casting would be for Sean and Kristin to extend for another year, " she said, "and keep that billboard in Times Square. "“我梦想的情形是西恩和克里斯汀再演一年”,她说,“让那广告牌留在时代广场。”

7.Just a year year ago, a Pakistani-born U. S. citizen - Faisal Shahzad - tried to set off a car bomb in New York's Times Square.就在一年前,巴基斯坦出生的美国公民费萨尔。沙赫扎德企图在纽约时报广场引爆一枚汽车炸弹。

8.He took a taxi though Times Square was only a few blocks away.尽管时代广场离这只有几个街区远,他还是决定坐出租车去。

9.The main suspect in an attempt to set off a car bomb in New York's Times Square has admitted weapons and terrorism charges.纽约时代广场汽车爆炸未遂案的主要犯罪嫌疑人承认私藏武器和恐怖主义指控。

10.The free pubpc restrooms operated by the Charmin toilet paper company in Times Square have been rolled out for another hopday season.位于时代广场,由查明卫生纸公司营运的免费公厕将在另外一个公众假期开放使用。