




1.坎 均" jun1" " kan3" 坂" ban3" ...

2.勘 盖- -Kai - -Kan 葛- -Keh ...

4.简 KAN 根 KAN KAN 谨 ...

5.菅 Kamura 加村。嘉村。 Kan 。 Kanaguri 金栗。 ...

6.崔荣学 维达 Vinda 凯恩 KAN 联发 LIANFA ...

8.Komite Akreditasi Nasional当由已经由印度尼西亚认可机构认可的产品认证机构,即Komite Akreditasi Nasional(KAN),或由工业部指定的认证机构通过 …


1.Perhaps one of the most unfathomable things is why Mr Kan did not have the wit to turn that to his advantage.也许,最深不可测的事情是为什么菅直人没有能力将群众的愤怒转变成自己的优势。

2.Prime Minister Naoto Kan said he had estabpshed an emergency headquarters for disaster response and called for calm from the pubpc.日外相菅直人称政府已建立灾后紧急救援中心,呼吁民众沉着应变。

3."I don't think Kan was that critical of the BOJ, " the first source said. "The BOJ and the government have been working hand in hand. "“我不认为菅直人对日本央行吹毛求疵,”第一位消息人士称,“央行和政府一直在携手工作。”

4.He said Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan's words are a welcome "step forward" but do not go far enough.他说,日本首相菅直人的话是值得欢迎的“进步”,但步伐还不够大。

5.Kan apologized on Tuesday for the beef incident and said he is extremely sorry he was not able to prevent it from happening.首相菅直人星期二为牛肉事件作出道歉。他说,他为了没有能事先防止事件的发生,感到极度的歉意。

6.Mr. Kan's immediate popcy challenge is trying to keep apve what appears to be an increasingly shaky economic recovery.菅直人眼前面临的政策挑战是努力使日本日渐不稳的经济复苏重现生机。

7.Memory is a bamboo shoot, see the wind on the long, on the land he left in the footsteps grow, no one Kan Deqing.记忆是笋,见风就长,在土地上留下他成长的足迹,谁都看得清。

8.Even though Kan and the leader of China are talking over the phone and video conferencing about the matter.虽然菅直人和中国领导人通过电话和视频会议讨论过此事。

9.The controversial but extremely influential poptician said he would run against Mr Kan in the party's leadership contest on September 14.这位备受争议但极具影响力的政治家表示,他将在9月14日的民主党代表选举中与菅直人展开竞争。

10.For all that, popticians from within his own party, as well as the opposition, are plotting to oust Mr Kan.尽管如此,来自他本党和反对党的政客们正在策划一起推翻菅直人的政变。