


美式发音: ['kɑnɑ] 英式发音: ['kɑ:nɑ:]





n.1.〔日语〕 假名〔日语字母,由汉字简化而成〕2.日语假名

n.1.either of two systems of symbols representing syllables, used in writing Japanese.2.a syllabic symbol used in kana

1.假名 luminance 亮度 kana 日>假名 kanji 日>日本汉字 ...

5.蒙丽伊呢位靓女就系蒙丽伊Kana),今年23岁,原籍广西南宁,后嚟喺深圳出道,家阵已经系北京有名嘅模特儿,近年更接拍多部 …

6.语假名四、台湾闽南语假名kana):(1901-1945)日治时期台湾总督制定,用直书的片假名标在汉字右侧,缺点:每个假名各有 …


1.The company even plans to fly in Japanese singer-songwriter Kana Uemura to treat Expo audiences to her ballad, The Toilet God.伊奈甚至计划邀请日本歌手兼作曲家KanaUemura为世博游客表演她的民谣——“卫浴之王”(TheToiletGod)。

2.Specifies whether the comparison distinguishes between the two types of Japanese kana characters : hiragana and katakana .指定比较是否区分日语的两种假名字符类型:平假名和片假名。

3.Kana said the mission was not professional.卡纳说,这次任务执行得不够专业。

4.Please be aware however that quite often users from Western countries do not have the fonts installed needed to display kanji and kana.但同时也应该意识到的是,非常多来自西方国家的用户没有安装用来显示汉字和假名的字体。

5.A cursive kana used for popte, informal, or casual writing.平假名一种草体的假名,用于礼貌的,非正式的或随意的书写中

6.Three cases of specific agraphia were reported, which showed Kanji agraphia without showing Kana reading and writing disturbances.本研究报告三个失写症的个案,他们显示汉字的失写,但未呈假名的阅读与失写的困难。

7.If the forms are still the same, the cases, character widths, and Japanese Kana differences of the forms are compared.如果形式仍然相同,则比较大小写、字符宽度和日文假名差异。

8.Kana type refers to Japanese hiragana and katakana characters that represent phonetic sounds in the Japanese language .假名类型是指日语平假名和片假名字符,它们表示日语中的语音。

9.And, as this information is intended to be read in the home market, it's all printed in Japanese kanji and ~ kana script!作为一种专门给国内消费者读取的信息,它全都以日文假名印刷!

10.Kana is, itself, composed of two alphabets called hiragana and katakana.Kana本身就是由两个字母组成的,即hiragana和katakana。