


美式发音: [ˈkeiti] 英式发音: [ˈkeiti]





1.凯蒂 KK – Okay,okay 好的,好的 K8T – Katie 凯特(名字) KB – Keyboard 键盘 ...

5.金喜善 李泰兰 Lee Tae Ran 金喜善 Katie 张娜拉 Jang Nara ...

6.梁佩诗 Kathy 周汶錡 Katie 梁佩诗 Kay 谢安琪 ...

7.凯悌 莱菈 Lyla 凯悌 Katie 米非 Mify ...

8.汤嫂  阿汤嫂Katie)一件黑色西服小外套搭配牛仔短裤的混搭风十分和谐,头上的巴拿马帽子还能遮阳,浪漫的长发随海风飘扬就 …


1.As Michael looks to the infirmary waiting room where Sara averts his gaze, Katie explains that she will be taking care of him today.Michael向医务室的候诊室看去,Sara避免与他目光对视,Katie向Michael解释说,今天由她来给他打针。

2."That's laughable to me, " Cruise said when Winfrey told him there was speculation that "what you and Katie have is not real. "当温弗瑞告诉克鲁斯,有人认为”你和凯蒂的生活不太真实“时,克鲁斯回答道:“我觉得这很可笑”。

3.Katie: I was thinking about him the other day. I bet he's fat and married with three kids now. He was such a fprt .凯蒂:最近刚想起他。我敢赌他现在已经结婚,有三个小孩,他那麽喜欢挑逗异性。

4.And so, he wrote an op-ed piece in The Guardian about Katie's song, in which he said, well, we know exactly how old, how far from the edge.当中,他指出我们确切知道宇宙边缘有多老及离我们多远,就是12--137亿光年,不是用猜的。

5.KATIE: To tell the truth, I haven't gone out clothes shopping for a while. So those boots are the "in thing" now? Are they real leather?老实说,我很久没有上街买衣服了。这双靴子很时尚对吗?是真皮的吗?

6.Katie, in her wheelchair with the oxygen tube, pstening a song from her husband and friends.凯蒂,在着轮椅,吸着氧气,倾听丈夫和朋友唱歌。

7.Let me instead focus on a less-obvious insight, discovered by the economist Lionel Page and his wife, the psychologist Katie Page.请让我重点谈一个不那么显而易见的见解,这是经济学家莱昂内尔-佩奇(LionelPage)和他的妻子、心理学家凯蒂-佩奇(KatiePage)提出的。

8.His favorite at Magic Mountain was Katie, a 350-pound, eight-year-old dolphin who greeted him exuberantly and swam with him for hours.他在魔幻山最喜欢的是凯蒂——一头体重350磅的八岁老海豚——生气勃勃地跟杰夫打招呼,与他一游数小时。

9.When Katie broke up with me a week before Christmas, I couldn't bring myself to tell Mary Ann.在离圣诞节还有一个星期时,凯蒂把我甩了。但我没法告诉玛丽安。

10.Nurse Katie gets ready to leave for the night. She closes the infirmary door, being sure to lock it behind her.护士Katie准备下班,她关上了医务室的门,确定锁好了门。