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1.艾奇亚 ... 行动沙龙 SPEEDY BEAUTY SALON 艾奇亚 IKEY 普富科技股份有限公司; PROLITECH …

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1.At any rate, Ikey toiled and snipped and basted and pressed and patched and sponged all day in the steamy fetor of a tailor-shop.无论如何,在裁缝店水汽蒸腾的恶臭里,艾奇整天又裁又缝又熨又补再用海绵擦洗,一刻都不得闲。

2.But even as they plucked at him and struck him, Ikey remained in his ecstatic trance of joy.但是即使她们对他又拉又打,艾奇仍高兴得心醉神迷。

3.Strong and simple was Chunk McGowan. A better reader of men than Ikey was could have seen that his tough frame was strung upon fine wires.强克•迈高万身强体壮却头脑简单,比艾奇更聪明的男性读者可能已看出他强壮的外表下串着的是纤细的金属丝。

4.But Ikey was timid, and his hopes remained insoluble in the menstruum of his backwardness and fears.但艾奇胆小,在他畏缩和顾虑的溶媒里他的希望仍溶解不了。

5.Ikey Schoenstein was the night clerk of the Blue Light and the friend of his customers.艾奇•斯考恩斯特恩是蓝光药店的夜间店员,也是他主顾们的朋友。

6.The subtlety of Ikey's action becomes apparent upon recital of his subsequent move.对艾奇接下来的叙述显然就是他精明的行动了。

7.Ikey slunk along the bar and gazed, breath-quickened, at his idol.艾奇悄悄地沿着吧台而走,凝视着他的偶像,呼吸加速。

8.Ikey scanned the countenance of Mr. McGowan for the usual evidences of confpct, but found none.艾奇检查迈高万先生的脸色,寻找通常打架的迹象,可是什么都没找到。

9.Ikey threw his week's wages in a crumpled roll upon the bar.艾奇把他那卷弄皱的一星斯的工资扔到吧台上。

10.But when work was done Ikey hitched his wagon to such stars as his firmament let shine.但是,干完活时,艾奇立雄心树壮志,让他的天空同样大放光芒。