


美式发音: [nəˈtɑʃə] 英式发音: [nəˈtɑ:ʃə]





1.娜塔夏 3 After The Great Change To The Worlds( 走过沧桑) 4 Natasha( 娜塔夏) 5 Morning Has Broken( 破晓) ...

2.邓颖欣 Nata 杂技表演 Natasha 坚强的 Nellwyn 容光焕发的 ...

5.联络员 队员:间 谍( Spy) 女队员:联络员Natasha) 队员:小 偷( Thief) ...

6.娜特莉 NANCY--- 萳西 NATASHA--- 娜特莉 NICOLE--- 妮可 ...


1.Natasha's marriage for a time occupied him on its external side.他为娜塔莎的婚礼表面上忙了一阵子。

2.Those weeks spent by Natasha in her mother's room had completely broken down her health.娜塔莎在母亲的房间里呆了几个星期,这段时间几乎耗尽了她的体力。

3.He had not time to finish, because Natasha, who had been pstening at the door, ran into the room with a pale and set face.他来不及把话说完,因为娜塔莎在门边偷听到了,她脸色苍白,神态严肃,从门口走进房里来。

4.Natasha looked at them, and was ready to cry that it was not she dancing that first round of the waltz.娜塔莎眼巴巴地望着她们,她因为不能跳这一轮华尔兹舞,几乎要哭出声来。

5.He did not tell his daughter this; but Natasha perceived this dread and uneasiness of her father's, and felt mortified by it.他没有把这件事告诉他女儿,但是娜塔莎明白父亲的恐惧心理和急躁情绪,她觉得自己受到了侮辱。

6.no , natasha and i often do not go to bed till past two , please stay a pttle longer . we will have supper.不,我和娜塔莎有时到凌晨三点钟都还没睡呢再坐一会,我叫准备晚餐。

7.I brought Natasha. Get a bit of work done. Thought I might make it a not entirely wasted weekend.我带娜塔沙一起来,想趁机做点工作,才不会浪费整个周末。

8.Princess Marya put off her departure, and for the last three weeks she had been looking after Natasha, as though she were a sick child.玛利亚公爵小姐推迟了启程日期,在最近三个星期中,她像照顾一个生病的小孩子那样,照料着娜塔莎。

9.Natasha did not change her position, only her whole body began to writhe with noiseless , convulsive sobs, which choked her.娜塔莎没有改变姿势,但因抽搐时啜泣而使她浑身颤抖,哭泣得接不上气来。

10.On the third night the countess was quiet for a few minutes, and Natasha closed her eyes, her head propped on the arm of the chair.第三天夜里伯爵夫人安静了几分钟,娜塔莎把头靠在安乐椅的扶手上,合了一会儿眼睛。