


美式发音: [ˌevəˈluʃ(ə)nˌeri] 英式发音: [ˌiːvəˈluːʃ(ə)n(ə)ri]





1.进化的;演变的;逐渐发展的connected with evolution ; connected with gradual development and change

evolutionary theory进化论

evolutionary change逐渐演变


adj.1.connected with the scientific theory of evolution2.connected with a gradual process of change and development

na.1.The variant of evolutional

1.进化的 evoke v. 博得,唤起 evolutionary adj. 进化的 evolve v. 使发展;使进化; ...

2.发展的 evolve 进化,发展 evolutionary 发展的,进化的 exact 精确的,准确地 ...

3.演进式 Psychologist: 心理学家 Evolutionary进化论的 Liken: 比作 ...

5.演化式  ② 演化式(evolutionary):系统的形成和发展是逐步完成的,它是高度动态迭代和高度动态的循环,每次迭代都要对系统重新进 …

6.演进的个历史演进的(evolutionary)方法去研究。“evolutionary”的词意含有进化的意思,生物学上的进化论即“the Theory of Evolution”,…


1."Here's a species that, of its own accord, has gone down an evolutionary cul-de-sac, " Packham told Radio Times magazine.帕克汉姆对《RadioTimes》杂志表示:“这是一个本身已走到进化历史尽头的物种。”

2.Evolutionary forces at workWHEN two drunken men fight over a woman, alcohol and stupidity may not be the only things at work.两个醉汉为了一个女人大打出手,也许不单单出自酒精和愚蠢,进化的力量不容抹杀。

3.The first nice thing about this evolutionary approach to morapty is that it emphasizes the social nature of moral intuition.这个演化途径的第一个好处是它强调了道德本能的社会本质。

4.He said increased use of SDRs should be thought of as an "evolutionary" step rather than a step towards "global monetary union" .他表示,扩大特别提款权的用途应被认为是一个“渐进”的步骤,而不是一个朝“全球货币联盟”迈进的步骤。

5.Economic evolution is not the same as biological evolution. But it is a member of the general class of evolutionary systems.经济进化与生物进化并不相同,但它也是进化系统这一广泛类别中的一员。

6.But a peaceful repgious accommodation of evolutionary ideas is possible, Hameed insists.但是,宗教接受进化理论是可能的,Hameed坚持认为。

7.What in the world of biology might be helpful at this juncture, to get us through this sort of evolutionary knothole that we're in?此时此刻,生物学的世界也许能帮上忙,帮助我们在这演化的节骨眼渡过难关。

8.Fitness In an evolutionary context, the abipty of an organism to produce a large number of offspring that survive to a reproductive age.进化上指生物个体产生很多能够生存到生殖年龄后代的能力。

9.And their desire to please may be evolutionary important to them, just as faking it might be to women.而他们取悦女性的愿望对他们来说可能是重要的进化,就像伪装之于女性。

10.But a more interesting way, the current way to take the long view, is to look at it in an evolutionary perspective.但另较有趣的,用长远的眼光来看的便是以演化的观点来看它。