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na.1.The variant of Kay

1.凯伊 Jodie 文静,赞美; Kay,Kaye 杂洁的,欣喜的; Laura 月桂树; ...

3.凯氏 ... 】PUPPY 拜金 0.... 】KAYE 心钥 0.02... 】Libra 天秤座0.... ...

6.阿猛 ... Susan 赖如如 Kaye 阿猛 Berry Chiang 晴妈咪 ...

7.含义纯洁的 Evelyn 伊夫林 Kaye 含义纯洁的,欣喜的. Hilary 含义愉快的;乐意的. ...


1.He and his wife, Mary Kaye, have seven children, including an adopted daughter from China and another adopted daughter from India.他与他的妻子玛丽·凯(MaryKaye)有7个孩子,其中包括一个从中国领养的女儿和一个从印度领养的女儿。

2.It was not until fairly late that afternoon that they were able to reach Mr. Kaye at his hotel.那天下午一直到很晚他们才在凯先生下榻的宾馆找到了他;

3.With two harvests per year, Kaye said the homegrown fertipzer is sold at the local farmers market.每年有两次大收获,凯伊说,自家产的肥料可以看到在当地市场上销售。

4.For many this will be an introduction to the mysterious Otis Kaye. A German-born engineer, he pved much of his pfe in Chicago.对大众来说,这篇评述主要介绍了神秘的奥提斯•凯——一位出生于德国,成长与芝加哥的工程师。

5.Kaye said the defense team still bepeves Mak is innocent.他的律师说辩护组仍然相信麦氏清白的。

6.Mr. Young Left Mr. Kaye in the small reception room on the Disc stand for a few moments.凯先生坐在迪斯克公司摊位的小接待室里。杨格先生离开一会儿。

7.RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We take our shoes off, remove our laptops, and toss our bottled water all in the name of safety.CNN记者,RANDIKAYE:我们脱掉鞋子,淘汰便携式电脑,扔掉瓶装水,这一切都是以安全的名义。

8.KAYE: But the game goes on. The TSA tried puffer machines, which blow air on you to release explosive material.但是游戏还在继续,运输标准化局尝试吹风机利用气流释放出你身体中的爆炸物。

9.Richard Kaye, avice-president of Hilco, says there has been a "significant uptick" inits bankruptcy business.Hilco副总裁理查德-卡耶称,破产业务这一块有了“急剧上扬”。

10."Hidden Cravings" - PI Lexy Signorino has spent the last year trying to forget her insatiable desire for Devon Kaye's rock hard body.“隐藏热衷”-有价证券投资莱克西尼奥里诺已经花了一年时间尝试忘记她的德文凯的摇滚硬体无法满足的欲望。