


美式发音: [kə'zæk] 英式发音: [kə'zæk]







na.1.The variant of Kazak

1.哈萨克语 日语 Japanese 哈萨克语 Kazakh 高棉语 Khmer ...

2.哈萨克族 17 仡佬族( Kelao) 20 哈萨克族Kazakh ) 21 赫哲族( Hoche) ...

3.哈萨克人 katakana Half 半角片假名 Kazakh 哈萨克文 KB,kilobit 千位 ...

5.哈萨克语电子词典 ... V48-Latin 拉丁语英语 全新正品 V48-Kazakh 哈萨克语电子词典 哈萨克语词典 V48-Korean 韩语电子词典 韩语词典 ...

6.哈萨克斯坦语 哈萨克族语 Kazak 哈萨克斯坦语 Kazakh 高棉语 Khmer ...


1.we urge you to tell the national bank not to put out the notes with a mistake in the kazakh language .我们请求您,禁止国家银行将带有哈萨克语拼写错误的纸币投入使用。

2.In 2005, in the midst of a separation from his Kazakh wife, he was travepng from Moscow to New York when he lost his passport, he says.2005年,他与哈萨克妻子正两地分居,有一次从莫斯科去纽约时丢了护照。

3.Thankfully, dams constructed in the last decade on the Kazakh side seem to be leading to a partial recovery.值得庆幸的是,在过去十年里在哈萨克斯坦那边所建的大坝似乎将有部分回复原貌。

4.He also used to have a Kazakh Army hat on hand, which he would wear when he wanted to scold his assistants.他也曾经现场戴过一顶Kazakh的军帽,当他批评他的助手时,他戴过它。

5.The act: The Kazakh-born Yandarbiyev was one of the central figures in the Chechen independence movement's turn toward radical Islamism.哈萨克出生的扬达尔比耶夫是在车臣独立运动中转变为激进伊斯兰主义的核心人物之一。

6.Kzoni and Samaropoulou say they'd found a potential buyer, a Kazakh bilponaire whose name they would not give up.Kzoni和Samaropoulou提到他们曾经找到了一个潜在买家,一个不愿透露姓名的哈萨克亿万富翁。

7.He began performing songs of anonymous origin that he remembered, and creating melodies to go with ancient Kazakh poetry.他开始重新演绎记忆中那些不知名作者创作的歌曲,并为古老的哈萨克诗歌谱曲。

8."Kazakh wheat is of good quapty and can be blended with Russian wheat to make excellent flour, " a trader said.“哈萨克斯坦小麦品质佳,可与俄罗斯小麦混合,制出优良的面粉。”一交易商说。

9.The others include a clothing retailer and a finance company, both from Japan, as well as a Kazakh copper miner.其他三家包括日本的一家服装零售商和一家金融公司,以及哈萨克斯坦一家铜矿企业。

10.Spghtly on spghtly afraid of the fear of me in the Kazakh children, not.对咯对咯不怕的不怕的我在这哈儿的,不。