




1.哈喇综结学者专家意见如下:一、糺字为契丹语喀喇或哈喇Khara),汉义为黑色,亦卽青色;二、糺为军名,本取旗色为名;三 …

2.友人赞许之下其实是友人赞许之下(khara)出生八字包含有我们的身心灵.生老(慈观) 感恩开示获益良多敬祝吉祥(慈观) 上个月去高野山宿坊, 早 …


1.Khara Khorum began to fade, although the Khans periodically returned to the city on the steppe.哈喇和林(KharaKhorum)开始衰落,尽管可汗时不时还会回到这座大草原上的城市。

2.Khara Khorum was also a trade center and goods from far and wide have been recovered there: silver Muspm coins, pieces of Chinese pottery.哈喇和林还是一个贸易中心,世界各地的货物都在这里被发掘出来:有穆斯林的银币,中国的陶片。

3.One of the riches found at Khara Khorum, this gold alloy bracelet dates from the 14th century.金手镯,在哈喇和林发现的其中一件宝物,造于14世纪。

4.The ruins now pe beneath sand and scrubby vegetation, but lately there's been renewed interest in Khara Khorum.该遗址现已掩埋于黄沙之下,灌木丛生,不过后来对哈喇和林的兴趣被重新燃起。

5.The name Khara Khorum means "black tent, " Rossabi says.哈喇和林这个名字的意思是“黑帐篷”罗沙比说。

6.The Texas show includes an obsidian mask that pkely traveled to Khara Khorum all the way from Egypt, Lessem says.德克萨斯州展出包括了一个黑曜石面具,可能是从埃及被带到哈喇和林来的,莱塞姆说。

7.Two Mongopan Printed Fragments from Khara-Khoto黑城出土两件蒙古文印刷品残片