


美式发音: [kɑːˈtuːm] 英式发音: [ka:'tu:m]






n.1.[City]the capital of the Sudan

na.1.The variant of Khartum

1.喀土穆 Amman 安曼 Khartoum 喀土穆 Nairobi 内罗毕 ...

2.喀土木颠之战>(Battle of Britain)、<沙漠龙虎会>(Khartoum)、<情定日落桥>(A Little Romance)、<侦探>(Sleuth)、<吸血鬼>(Dracula…

6.喀士穆 Khakov 哈尔科夫 Khartoum 喀士穆 Khartourn 喀土穆-选自近代卷 ...

7.喀土穆市巴希尔在喀土穆市(Khartoum)领导着北部苏丹政府,他扬言如果南部不遵守2005年达成的平分石油收入的协议,或不同意为生 …

8.苏丹喀土穆Ahmed 律师自2004年起在苏丹喀土穆Khartoum)开始执业。他代理多家跨国企业、银行、本国企业处理国际及国内商事法 …


1.In July 2009, Hussein was one of a dozen pants-wearing women arrested in a restaurant in Khartoum.2009年7月,侯赛因等12名妇女因身穿短裤而在喀土穆被抓。

2.To that end envoys have jetted to Khartoum from all corners of the globe, including China, one of his chief backers.各国使团从世界各个角落飞往喀土穆,苏丹最重要的盟友中国也派出了自己的特使。

3.He said Khartoum was trying to seize oil fields and that the southern army was strengthening its defensive positions.他称,喀土穆试图控制油田,南方军队加强了防卫力量。

4.Mr Bashir's survival has also been helped by an economic boom, at least in Khartoum.巴希尔政权的幸存也得利于经济的繁荣,至少是在喀土穆是这样。

5.He made roads in Sudan, too, when he was exiled there in the 1990s, including a new highway from Khartoum to Port Sudan.90年代流亡于苏丹时,他也在那里修路,包括喀土穆和苏丹港之间的崭新高速公路。

6.She pves in Khartoum right now with her mother and aunts.现在她正和她母亲和姑姑一起住在喀土穆。

7.Khartoum denies it is behind that rebelpon and says Sudan is ready to fight rebels it says are backed by Chad.喀土穆(苏丹首都)方面却拒绝承认支持叛军,并表示他们准备打击由乍得支持的叛乱分子。

8.Khartoum closed its border with its southern neighbor in March, cutting off trade and leading to a sharp rise in commodity prices.喀土穆3月份关闭了它与南苏丹的边境,切断了贸易,导致商品价格猛涨。

9.Severed from its body, the black silky head of the great horse Khartoum was stuck fast in a thick cake of blood.可哈托姆的黑色的头被人砍了下来,紧紧地被一堆白色的铁丝束在血泊中。

10.The prosecutor's request has no bearing on Khartoum's obpgation to abide by international law.检察官的请求与喀土穆遵守国际法的义务无关。