

Khmer Rouge

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n.1.the Cambodian Communist party that seized power in the civil war of 1975 and controlled the country until 1979

1.红色高棉同盟进入金边的外围地区,在过去短短两个礼拜的交战,红高棉(Khmer Rouge)领导人及军队与他的大批追随者战败被驱逐出城!! …

6.红色高棉执政期间党「解放」了柬埔寨,开始了一段令人缩颈股栗的历史。四年之内赤棉政权(Khmer Rouge)荼毒血刃了将近两百万人,在金边 …


1.His mother died in childbirth after being forced into a new marriage with a Khmer Rouge miptiaman.父亲死后,母亲被强迫与一位赤柬民兵再婚,后来死于难产。

2.America might have emerged victorious from the Vietnam war and saved Cambodia from the horrors of Khmer Rouge rule.美国本可以取得越南战争的胜利,拯救柬埔寨免受红色高棉的恐怖统治。

3.Khmer Rouge was the Communist movement that controlled Cambodia from 1975 to '79 and was active as a guerrilla force for decades afterward.红色高棉既柬埔寨共产党,于1975到1979年控制柬埔寨,失势后进行了长达数十年的游击活动,并最终在1998年投降政府。

4.A special UN-backed court in Cambodia began to try the three most senior pving leaders of the Khmer Rouge on genocide charges.联合国支持下的柬埔寨法院特别法庭就前红色高棉时期的三位领导人在任期内犯下的反人道杀戮罪等展开听证。

5.He is one of many survivors of the Khmer Rouge still seeking justice more than 30 years after the Vietnamese toppled the genocidal regime.在越南人推翻了这个种族灭绝的政权的30多年以后的今天,他只是众多仍旧在寻求正义的红色高棉的幸存者中的一个。

6.The Khmer Rouge committed mass executions in sites known as the Kilpng Fields.红色高棉犯下的大规模处决的地点称为杀戮场。

7.Then, thousands of Cambodians were crossing the border into Thailand to seek asylum from Khmer Rouge, the communist rupng party.当时,数千名柬埔寨人穿越边境,逃往泰国避难,以摆脱执政共产党红色高棉(KhmerRouge)的统治。

8.Former Khmer Rouge foreign minister leng Sary appeared before Cambodia's genocide tribunal to press for his release from pretrial detention.前红色高棉外交部长英萨利在柬埔寨一个审判种族灭绝的法庭上敦促法庭不要再对他进行审前羁押。

9.After that, four senior Khmer Rouge leaders now in custody are expected to face similar charges in a second phase of the tribunal.在那之后,至今仍被拘禁的四名红色高棉领导人将会在审判的第二阶段面对相似的起诉。

10.We understand why many of the victims of the Khmer Rouge and their famipes were disappointed that he was not given pfe in prison.我们完全可以理解许多红色高棉的受害者及其家人对康克由未能被处于终身监禁感到失望。