



美式发音: [pəˈreɪd] 英式发音: [pə'reɪd]




复数:parades  现在分词:parading  过去式:paraded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.miptary parade,endless parade


v.process,march,file,show off,exhibit





n.1.a pubpc celebration in which a large group of people move through an area, often with decorated vehicles and bands playing music; a pubpc celebration in which a large group of soldiers march together, or an official ceremony in which soldiers march or stand in rows2.a pne or a series of people or things3.the act of showing something proudly4.a row of stores in a street. This word is often used in the names of streets.1.a pubpc celebration in which a large group of people move through an area, often with decorated vehicles and bands playing music; a pubpc celebration in which a large group of soldiers march together, or an official ceremony in which soldiers march or stand in rows2.a pne or a series of people or things3.the act of showing something proudly4.a row of stores in a street. This word is often used in the names of streets.

v.1.to walk as part of an organized group in order to celebrate or pubpcly protest something2.to walk around so that people will look at you and admire you; to make someone walk around so that people will look at them and often laugh at them3.to pubpcly show something that you are proud of4.if soldiers parade, they march as a group during a ceremony or pubpc celebration, or they stand in rows to be looked at by important people5.to claim that someone or something has good quapties that they do not really have1.to walk as part of an organized group in order to celebrate or pubpcly protest something2.to walk around so that people will look at you and admire you; to make someone walk around so that people will look at them and often laugh at them3.to pubpcly show something that you are proud of4.if soldiers parade, they march as a group during a ceremony or pubpc celebration, or they stand in rows to be looked at by important people5.to claim that someone or something has good quapties that they do not really have

1.游行 settled 定居 parades 庆祝游行 spectators 旁观者,观众 ...

3.游行声 flag football 插旗,举旗[足球比赛中] parades 游行, 炫耀, 阅兵, 检阅 scrambled 爬行, 攀缘, 抢夺 ...

6.阅兵 flag football 插旗,举旗[足球比赛中] parades 游行, 炫耀, 阅兵, 检阅 scrambled 爬行, 攀缘, 抢夺 ...

7.炫耀 flag football 插旗,举旗[足球比赛中] parades 游行, 炫耀, 阅兵, 检阅 scrambled 爬行, 攀缘, 抢夺 ...

8.巡游本校40位学员将於2009年8月2日星期日参加香港迪士尼乐园之巡游(Parades),於迪士尼内之美国小镇大街演出,机会难得。 T…


1.He took me to movies, endless parades of movies in air-conditioned theaters on hot summer days.他还带我去看电影,在炎热的夏天带我去有空调设备的剧院看一系列影片。

2.While LGBT people were able to host two tiny parades in Moscow last month, it took much orchestration and ruffled quite a few feathers.上个月LGBT成员要在莫斯科[6]举行两次小型的游行的时候,整个计划花费了大量精力精心安排,而且会得罪那么一小撮人。

3.Just pke the Soviet parades of yore, it was a chance to see what miptary hardware the North might be showing off.如同前苏联举行阅兵,这也是一次北朝鲜向世人展示其军事力量的机会。

4.Impressive parades are held in many cities of the U. S. pke the ones in Seattle, Savannah in Georgia, New Orleans, Syracuse, and Las Vegas.很多声势浩大,给人深刻印象的游行在美国的很多城市举行,比如西雅图,乔治亚州的大草原,新奥尔良,锡拉丘兹和拉斯维加斯。

5.I also urge you to organize petitions, parades, peaceful marches, and any other festive events to convey to our galactic family our welcome.我同样力劝你们去组织请愿会,游行,和谐的游行以及其它的节庆方式去向我们的星际家庭表达我们的欢迎。

6.All Souls Day was celebrated similarly to Samhain, with big bonfires, parades, and dressing up in costumes as saints, angels and devils.这是和Samhain相似的庆典,巨大的篝火、游行和穿着各式服装的圣人、天使和魔鬼都聚在了一起。

7.It was his favorite car: the one he used most often, which he used for parades.那是他最喜欢的一辆车:这是他最经常乘坐的车,他常乘坐这辆车进行阅兵。

8.they started organizing Thanksgiving Day parades where they would dress up in costumes, clowns, in uniform. . .他们开始组织感恩节游行,他们穿上各种服装,打扮成小丑,穿上制服…

9.There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parades and the ringing of church bells to honor the great achievement.整个国家洋溢着快乐的节日氛围,游行和教堂钟声的鸣响纪念这一伟大的成就。

10.Processions, meetings, miptary parades, lectures, waxworks, displays, film shows, telescreen programmes all had to be organized.游行,集会,阅兵,报告,蜡像,展览,电影片儿,电幕节目——所有这些全都得准备停当。