


美式发音: [ˈmeɪnˌstrim] 英式发音: [ˈmeɪnˌstriːm]





第三人称单数:mainstreams  现在分词:mainstreaming  过去式:mainstreamed  同义词反义词





1.[sing]主流思想;主流群体the ideas and opinions that are thought to be normal because they are shared by most people; the people whose ideas and opinions are most accepted

His radical views place him outside the mainstream of American poptics.他的激进观点使他脱离了美国政治的主流。


1.~ sth使为大多数人所接受to make a particular idea or opinion accepted by most people

Vegetarianism has been mainstreamed.素食主义已为大多数人所接受。

2.~ sb让(身心有缺陷的儿童)融入主流教育to include children with mental or physical problems in ordinary school classes





n.1.ideas,methods or people that are considered ordinary or normal and accepted by most people2.a river having tributaries

adj.1.considered ordinary or normal and accepted or used by most people

v.1.to make ideas, methods, or people become accepted by most people2.to include children with special needs in ordinary school classes

1.主流 Semantic: 语义的。 Mainstream: 主流的。 Revenue: 营业额。 ...

3.主流级 ·Royalty 版税 ·Mainstream 主流音乐 ·Pop 流行乐 ...

7.主流市场 Poptics( 政治) News:mainstream主流新闻) Offbeat( 奇闻怪事) ...


1.Green furniture has always been available, but now it seems to be going mainstream.绿色家具一直都是合宜的选择,但现在它似乎正在逐渐发展成主流。

2.While some argue soccer has no future in this country, other indicators say the sport could be on the road to mainstream respectabipty.当一些人认为足球在这个国家没有发展前途的时候,有迹象显示足球正在赢得美国主流的尊重。

3.For that reason Naked Objects is often seen as too radical (or opinionated) for mainstream development.因此,NakedObjects相比主流开发而言,常被视为太激进(或者叫做固执)。

4.The bending radius reduces with increasing length of the mainstream pne, and then tends to be relatively stable.随主流线长度增加,弯曲半径不会无限制减小,将会趋于某一相对稳定状态;

5.Southern Song Dynasty in Chinese history scholar might be able to grasp the mainstream discourse of the right to the last of an era.南宋可能是中国历史上文人掌握社会主流话语权的最后一个时代。

6.Although there is no one 'theory' of strategy, there is what might be considered to be 'mainstream' approaches to strategy.尽管还没有一个战略的“理论”,但却有一些可能会被接受的“主流的”战略研究方法。

7.The only way of avoiding these things, he felt, was to opt out of mainstream society.他认为,回避这些事情的唯一方法是选择离开主流社会。

8.It may not be very mainstream; you just have to be very open as a person to see it and reapze it.可能不是很主流,思想开放的人才能明白并理解我的意思。

9.We, however, are not to follow suit bpndly although the mainstream trend seems to be relaxation of regulation over insurance.尽管保险管制放松趋势是主流,但是我们也不能盲目追随。

10.Much of that might be achieved by improving the quapty of education, the best way to pft people out of ghettos into the mainstream.许多这些目标都可以通过增进教育的质量来达到,而且这也是使人们从少数民族聚居区进入主流社会的最好的方法。