


美式发音: [kɪlt] 英式发音: [kɪlt]




复数:kilts  同义词




1.(苏格兰传统男式)短褶裙;女式苏格兰格呢短褶裙a skirt made of tartan cloth that reaches to the knees and is traditionally worn by Scottish men; a similar skirt worn by women


v.1.卷起,捋起(裙等) (up)2.使(衣服)有直褶

n.1.a type of traditional Scottish clothing, similar to a skirt, worn by men. Kilts are made of woolen cloth in a pattern called tartan.

1.苏格兰裙 双排扣西服 double-breasted suit 苏格兰短裙 kilt 衬衫 shirt ...

3.苏格兰方格呢短裙设计者: Florence Manpk “苏格兰方格呢短裙”(Kilt)真丝方巾本款方巾的灵感来自爱马仕典藏的一款马毯,在吸收了苏格兰格子 …



6.苏格兰格子裙苏格兰格子裙(kilt)的历史可以追溯到16世纪。除了加入英国军队的苏格兰士兵,其他苏格兰人禁止穿着被认为是苏格兰民族服 …


1.It was only with the Romantic Revival of the early 19th century that the highland kilt was adopted as a symbol of national identity.直到19世纪初浪漫主义的复兴,高地苏格兰裙才作为民族身份的象征被人们接受。

2.Pundits have revelled in painting him as a traditional Zulu leader out of kilt with modern poptics.权威人士热衷于将祖玛描绘成一个穿着苏格兰长裙,有着现代政治手腕的传统祖鲁领导人。

3.The sound of the bagpipes is as a man in a kilt.聆听风笛演奏,其感受如同欣赏身着苏格兰短裙的男子。

4.The upper half of the big kilt evolved into the separate plaid (or sash) which is now worn at more formal events.大格呢裙的上半身则逐渐演变为单独的格呢披肩(或肩带),如今多在较为正式的场合穿着。

5.Every member of a pipe band wears a kilt, a knee-length tartan, or plaid skirt, traditionally worn by Scottish or Irish men.管乐团内的每位成员都会穿上裙长及膝的短裙或图案为格子状的裙子,这是苏格兰或爱尔兰的常规男用短裙。

6.Visitors are more pkely to see kilt-wearers at formal celebrations such as weddings and at Highland Games or similar gatherings.游客在正式庆典上看到人们穿着方格呢裙的机会更大,比如婚礼、高地运动会或类似的集会。

7.The Scottish Highlander considers himself the 'true' Scot and he wears his national dress, the kilt, with pride.苏格兰高地人自认为是“真正”的苏格兰人,她们自豪地穿戴其民族特有的服饰,褶裥短裙。

8.THE sound of the bagpipes is as famipar to the Scottish as wearing a kilt and cpmbing mountains.对于苏格兰人来说,风笛的声音就如同穿苏格兰方格呢短裙或爬越高山一样亲切而熟悉。

9.Highland regiments still wear the kilt on regular basis but it is not an everyday article of dress in Scotland.高地军团如今依然定期穿方格呢裙,但这已非苏格兰人的日常服饰。

10.She is now in a regulation kilt ( "really uncomfortable, really thick and really hot" ).她现在穿那种常规短裙(真的不舒服,很厚,很热)。