




1.医药(Pharmaceuticals) Patents 专利 Pharma 医药 Psychotic 精神病 ...

2.制药油气(Oil&Gas)、化工(PetroChe)、制药(Pharma)、水泥(Cement)、建材(Building material)、造纸(Paper)、运输(Transportatio…

3.制药公司 omen n.征兆;预兆 pharma n.制药公司 Asuncion n.亚松森(巴拉圭首都) ...

4.药业 ... 求购太阳能烤炉, solar baking ovens 求购制药, pharma 求购抗疲劳垫, anti-fatigue mat ...




1.Preferably with an experience in commercial department of any pharma manufacturer in the province handpng distribution, collections etc.有在制药企业从事该区域商务管理工作经验或担任同等职位;

2.There was no comment from Shanghai Pharma or any of the banks or cornerstone investors.上海医药、上述任何一家投行以及基石投资者均拒绝置评。

3.People famipar with the matter said Shanghai Pharma's management was furious.知情人士说,上海医药集团的管理层很气愤。

4.But the expertise of Valois Pharma goes beyond what I was able to see when I was one of its customers!但是,专业知识,瓦罗亚制药超出我能看到我是一个客户!

5.Pfizer's David Simmons even says that "generics are not the enemy of innovative pharma any longer" .辉瑞的大卫•西蒙斯(DavidSimmons)甚至说“仿制药不再是创新制药业的敌人”。

6.EUSA Pharma said acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common form of childhood cancer and one of the most curable types.急性淋巴细胞性白血病是儿童最常见的恶性肿瘤之一也是可治愈的恶性肿瘤之一。

7.The best part of the system is the entire data goes back to the pharma companies, and the codes get wiped out from printing systems.这个系统最棒的部分就是所有的数据都会传回到制药公司,然后这些代码将从打印系统中清除。

8.Big Pharma is in big trouble, but it may yet find comfort in the arms of that erstwhile foe.尽管大型药厂遭遇大的困境,但是它们仍可以在与昔日对手的联合中找到安慰。

9.Goldman Sachs report on Monday said Pfizer "more than any other pharma company, needs to take action and enact a fundamental change. "高盛投资银行星期一的报告说“辉瑞比其他任何一个制药企业都需要采取措施做出重大改变”。

10.China is on the minds and pps of the CEO's of the large multi-national pharmaceutical companies, commonly referred to as Big Pharma.大型跨国制药公司也就是通常所说的制药巨头的CEO们时常想到或说起中国。