




1.约翰王 ... A Midsummer Night's Dream《 仲夏夜之梦》 King John约翰王的生平和逝世》 Much Ado about Nothing《 …

7.英国国王约翰国43位总统创建家族树,其中42位居然都是13世纪英国国王约翰King John)的后裔,只有美国第八位总统马丁·范布伦(M…


1.King John launched it on its road to glory when he granted it a charter in 1207.约翰王发射就其道的荣耀时,他理所当然的,它的宪章,在1207年。

2.When King John heard of the way in which the abbot pved, he made up his mind to put a stop to it.约翰国王听说老修道院长的生活方式以后,就打定主意加以制止。

3.It was a shook to you to find that England has not been ruled by sovereigns since 1215, since the reign of King John.当你发现英国自从1215年起都不是被君主控制的话会让你震惊,自从约翰王朝以来就是如此。

4.Back in Manhattan, Sandy exiles the now too powerful Jamie, assassinates King John, and is proclaimed King of Wall Street.回到曼哈顿后,桑迪放逐了势力已过于强大的杰米,暗杀了约翰王,自立为华尔街之王。

5.At the time, King John of England was in the habit of making a road out of nearly every path he walked regularly.那时,英格兰的约翰国王习惯于将他经常走的几乎每一条小道都修成一条路。

6.They've been at it since 1202, when King John of England first banned the adulteration of bread.自从1202年,英国国王约翰首次禁止掺假面包开始,政府就有所介人。

7.Soon, King John III of Poland arrived at the head of an army that defeated the Turks and forced them to retreat.不久,波兰的国王约翰三世带领部队赶到,击败了土耳其人,迫使他们撤退。

8.One of these began in 1211 when King John granted the city some moorland9 near Shropshire.其中的一次活动始于1211年,那年英王约翰将什罗普郡附近的一些高沼地转让给伦敦市。

9.And when you get home, you may tell the old abbot that you have brought him a free pardon from King John.另外,回家以后,你可以告诉老修道院长,你给他带来了约翰国王的特赦。

10.King John's Castle: Limerick's showcase castle is best viewed from the west bank of the River Shannon.约翰国王的城堡:站在夏浓河的西岸,可以完美无缺地观赏利梅里克城堡的典范之作。