


美式发音: [mɑsk] 英式发音: [mɒsk]






1.清真寺a building in which Muspms worship


n.1.a building in which Muspms worship

1.清真寺 犁 plough 清真寺 mosque 尖塔 minaret ...

2.伊斯兰教寺院 A Moslem house of worship. 语源 mosque n.伊斯兰教寺院 mosque n.伊斯兰教寺院 ...

3.清真寺回教寺院 mosque 清真寺 mosque 清真寺回教寺院 mosquito boat 快艇 ...

4.宗教场所 图书馆 Pubpc Library 宗教场所 Mosque 建议行程 Cinema ...

5.回教堂 4.2 宗教印象 Repgion 4.4 回教堂 Mosque 4.5 印度庙 Hindu temple ...

6.回教清真寺 hail 喝采 mosque 回教清真寺 issues visa 发签证 ...

7.礼拜寺 ... 空中楼阁 imaginary future plans;castles in Spain; 礼拜寺 mosque 楼阁 pavipon;building ...


1.My translator suddenly dashed out of the mosque, told me to grab my bag and, seconds later, we were roaring off in a car.这时我的翻译突然从清真寺里冲了出来,他让我抓起自己的包,几秒钟后,我们驱车飞快逃离了这里。

2.He said the decision was part of an agreement to move the proposed mosque in New York.他称此举部分基于双方协议将拟定在纽约建造的清真寺移至他处。

3.Hindus had long claimed that the mosque had been built over the birthplace of a Hindu god, Ram, and a Hindu temple later dedicated to him.印度教徒长期以来一直声称这座清真寺建在了一位印度教信奉的神Ram的出生地,而后建立了一座印度教的神庙供奉着它。

4.A short time later we were taken to a third bomb site. Officials told us that this site contained both a school and a mosque.随后,我们又去了第三个被炸地点。官员们说,那里有一个学校和一个清真寺。

5.They then used the mosque's loud speaker system, normally used to call people to prayer, to broadcast their chants across the city.接着他们用清真寺的大喇叭,一般用来宣礼的,把他们的呼唤响遍全城。

6.At the next Friday sermon, the women who were sitting in the side room of the mosque began to share their distress at the state of affairs.到下个星期五的布道,那些在清真寺侧房里的女人开始讨论她们对时势的担忧。

7.Harry Reid, the party's leader in the Senate, faces a difficult election fight in Nevada: he said the mosque should go somewhere else.参议院民主党领袖哈里•里德(HarryReid)在内华达州面临艰难选战:他称清真寺应该建在其它地方。

8.The US miptary has said it had no involvement in the explosion which destroyed a building in a mosque courtyard.美国军队称,在对一间清真寺大院内建筑的爆破中,并没有人被炸死!

9.On the feast of the New Moon the young Emperor came forth from his palace and went into the mosque to pray.‘新月节’上,年轻的皇帝径直从他的皇宫里去往清真寺祷告。

10.Witnesses said protesters were gunned down in the streets, and that the Omari mosque was stormed in the early morning.据目击者称,抗议者在街上被枪杀,而奥马里清真寺(Omarimosque)在凌晨遭到军警突袭。