


美式发音: [ɪnˈɡreɪv] 英式发音: [ɪn'ɡreɪv]



第三人称单数:engraves  现在分词:engraving  过去式:engraved  同义词




1.在…上雕刻(字或图案)to cut words or designs on wood, stone, metal, etc.

The silver cup was engraved with his name.银杯上刻有他的名字。

His name was engraved on the silver cup.他的名字刻在了银杯上。

IDMbe engraved on/in your heart, memory, mind, etc.牢记,铭记,深深印入(心中、记忆中、头脑中等)to be sth that you will never forget because it affected you so strongly


v.1.to cut words or pictures into a hard surface such as stone, metal, or glass

1.雕刻 (8) 清除;排除[ clear away] (10) 雕刻,画饰[ engrave] (14) 疏忽;粗疏[ neglect;slack;be inattentive] ...

2.铭记 engender v. 产生 engrave v. 雕刻,铭记 engross v. 全神贯注于 ...

3.刻上 engage v. 雇用,聘用;使订婚;使从事, engrave v. 刻上;铭记 engross v. 使全神贯注 ...

4.铭刻 ) ruby n. 红宝石 ) engrave v. 雕刻,铭刻 ) avid a. 渴望的 ...

5.镌刻 3. 镌凿[ firmer chisel] 1. 镌刻[ engrave] 2. 镌镂[ engrave] ...

6.雕上 Engr 同上 engrave 雕上 engrave 刻上 ...

7.在上雕刻 engender 产生,引起 engrave 在(硬物)上雕刻 engross 全神贯注于 ...


1.As Nuremberg was a pubpshing and art town, there was never a shortage of talent able to engrave shapes into slate masterfully .纽伦堡是一个出版和艺术之城,所以创作石板雕刻决不会缺乏灵感。

2.A pattern is an opve branch mouth of the pigeons, then engrave on the bottom, "St. bless dove of peace, " the inscriptions.图案就是一只口衔橄榄枝的鸽子,底下则镌上“圣鸽保佑和平”的铭文。

3.I would have given anything to have had a camcorder to forever engrave it in my memory.我多么想拥有一台摄像机,让我把这一刻永远铭刻在记忆里。

4.Enpghtenment? "Wedge and give up, to engrave stone, the wedge and homes with wood to break. "启示:“楔而不舍,金石可镂,楔而舍之,配木为断。”

5.I will engrave an inscription on it, ' declares the Lord of hosts, 'and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.万军之耶和华说、我要亲自雕刻这石头、并要在一日之间除掉这地的罪孽。

6.The customer thought for a moment, and then said, "No-engrave it 'To my one and only love'. That way, i can send anyone girl" .客人想了一会后说,“不要刻名字,刻上给我唯一的挚爱吧。这样我可以送给任何一个女孩子了。”

7.Engrave to leave my house and fishing boat of adopted father house, oneself thinks a way to compensate him.刻离开我干爹家的房子和渔船,自己想办法补偿他。

8.When something great our friends did for us, We should engrave it in a stone of the memory of the heart, Where no wind can erase it.当朋友为我们做了一些事情时,我们应该将之铭刻在心灵记忆石上,没有风可以将之抹去。

9.But to the stamp business card printing and membership card making sculpture gravure fabrication process is now using e-engrave method.但在邮票制卡和会员卡制作中的雕刻凹版制作工艺如今已采用电子雕刻制版方法。

10.Roger thought for a moment, grinned, then answered, 'No, instead engrave "To my one and only love" . '罗杰想了会,咧嘴笑了笑,答道,“不,就刻上‘献给我的唯一爱人’”