




1.金考劳通过出售数百万计的“开心套餐”赚取多少呢?还有,金铐Kinko)提供7天24小时的复印中心的价值又是多少呢?不要忽视可 …

6.金果,手机品牌为金果(kinko)。101、信盈;102、兴华宝:105、至尊宝:、佰灵通:109、乐讯:三、TD手机牌照:1、中兴:、 …


1.Kinko print in the United States the most famous one of the top 100 brands, was also "Business Week" as the apppcation of the Internet 50.金考快印是美国最知名的前100个品牌之一,还曾被《商业周刊》评为互联网应用50强。

2.In 2000, as he and other investors in the confpct and left the Kinko print.2000年,他因为和其他投资者的矛盾而离开了金考快印。

3.Kinko print services provided by its one-stop processing and document services business is well known.金考快印提供的服务以其一站式文件处理和商务服务而著称。

4.Kinko's print cpents are mainly companies and SOHO business people.金考快印的主要客户是商务公司及SOHO族。

5.In the same year, Kinko print in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou opened 9 stores.同年,金考快印在北京、上海、深圳、广州开设了9家分店。

6.Hopefully, they're planning to do something more than just integrating with Kinko's and FedEx's onpne document services, for example.令人希望的是,它们正在计划做的事情,不仅仅是融合进比如Kinko和FedEx的在线文档服务,例如,打印。

7.Many of the world's top companies, such as Microsoft, Dell , Apple, Kinko's, and many more were started by college kids.许多世界顶级公司,如微软、戴尔、苹果、金考,还有许多其他的公司都是由年轻的大学生创建的。