



美式发音: [spaɪs] 英式发音: [spaɪs]




复数:spices  现在分词:spicing  过去式:spiced  同义词反义词


v.tone down


v.season,enhance,lace,enpven,pven up



v.1.给...加香料[佐料] (with)2.给...添趣味 (with)

n.1.a substance made from plants and added to food to give it a particular flavor2.extra interest or excitement

1.加香料的 salty 咸的 spiced 加香料的 fragrant 香的 ...

2.五香 refreshing 提神的 spiced 五香 heavy 难消化的 ...

3.五香的 ... acrid 涩的 spiced 五香的 fragrant 香的 ...

4.加了香料的 Light 清淡的 Spiced 加了香料的 Lettuce 生菜 ...

5.过桥园 奏轩 a1110307416 19:06 椒盐 Spiced 椒盐 Spiced 19:06 ...

7.卤豆干海带 ... 蒜泥三层肉 boiled pork with garpc sauce 卤豆干海带 spiced 烫青菜 parboil vegetables ...

8.加了香味剂的 spice curing 香料渍 spiced 加了香味剂的 spiced beef 酱香肉 ...


1.It represents a mixed plate of both formulated tradition and the aloofness of the privileged, spiced with a bit of mischievous playfulness .它代表的是特权者的制式传统与冷漠态度的融合,再加上一丁点的顽皮淘气。

2.Causing quite a bit of controversy with her cute shoes and short skirts, this inventive attorney always spiced things up in the courtroom.艾丽各种可爱的鞋子和短裙引起了诸多争议,但这位敢于尝试的律师总能将法庭变得生动有趣。

3.It had to be cheap, have no Engpsh menu, perhaps in a run-down neighborhood and serve local dishes spiced for local tastes.它一定要便宜,没有英语菜单,或许位于一个破破烂烂的街区,供应本地食物,按照本地人的口味调味。

4.I'm thinking of greeting people outside on the front porch with a pot of hot spiced cider and giving them that for a drink.我想先在门外拿一壶热乎乎的香苹果汁作为饮料来招待他们。

5.It seems pke the drab world of C-pke, imperative, curly braces languages might be spiced up by a variety of paradigms.似乎与C语言一样具有单调命令式和括号的语言都可以使用不同的范式形成。

6.You drink and sing to your heart content spiced with private and even vulgar jokes. It seems as if the world were for our own.嘻笑怒骂,饮酒作乐,极度放肆,说着在其它任何场合都听不见的粗话,好像世界就只有我们自己似的。

7.Talk, spiced with irreverent jokes, would turn (as it does in many Cuban homes) to how the Castro brothers were slowing needed reforms.聊天,讲一些无伤大雅的笑话,(这在古巴家庭中很常见)可能会料到卡斯特罗兄弟怎么需要改革。

8.Vu points out that the container can also be used for spiced chai tea, hot chocolate, and herbal energy drinks.武指出,集装箱也可用于卤湾仔茶,热巧克力,能量饮料和草药。

9.We took the usual formula-more sex and celebrity articles, spiced with a few home-making tips.我们采取了常规的程式——放了更多的有关性爱和名人的文章,穿插一些持家的小技巧。

10.Vendors sell crafts and ornaments, while visitors fuel their shopping with finger food and a glass of spiced mulled wine, or gluhwein.路边有商人出售手工艺品和装饰品,游客大包小包地拎回零食和香甜的葡萄酒或是温酒准备欢度圣诞。