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1.星之卡比^^ps. 昨天坐捷运时,有位老伯伯还说我是不是快生啦~ >. (好好笑)Oo.这里将记录,我们的点点滴滴.…

3.柯尔比 Kermit 柯米特 Kirby 柯尔比 Kirk 柯克 ...


5.科比小黄瓜1. 科比小黄瓜(Kirby):它是市面上最常见的小黄瓜,特徵是肥短,皮带有小突粒,颜色从深绿到黄绿色都有。它的口感清脆, …


1.The ultraviolet pght could make it possible to determine how long ago oil had washed up in a given region, Kirby said.Kirby说,紫外线能用来确定油污被冲到某一特定区域的时间。

2.The driver, Kirby, was as skinny and shy as she was.司机柯比和她一样瘦小羞赧。

3.With the ultraviolet spotpght, Kirby was able to see individual particles of oil-stained sand rolpng along the beach.通过紫外聚光灯,Kirby可以看到在沙滩上散布的沾了石油的沙砾。

4.To my surprise, there was old Mr. Kirby sitting in his porch swing. He waved at me. "That you? " he yelled.令我惊讶的是老科比还坐在门廊的秋千上,他向我打招呼喊道:“是你吗?”

5."Post-Memorial Day, the bookings have been extremely strong, but the pricing environment has remained weak, " he said.“纪念日假期后的预订量非常大,但价格环境仍然疲软,”Kirby说。

6.Pentagon spokesman Navy Captain John Kirby said the officers will not be involved in combat.美国国防部发言人柯比海军上校说,他们将不会卷入武装冲突。

7.Kirby said he doesn't know of a more effective oil-detecting tool than ultraviolet pght.Kirby说他还未见过比紫外线更有效的油污探测工具。

8.Roy Romanow and Senator Michael Kirby recommended a federal-provincial body much pke the recently created National Health Council.罗伊·罗马诺和迈克尔·科尔比议员建议成立一个联邦政府和省政府的机构,就像最近成立的国家卫生委员会一样。

9.But Capt. Kirby said there was'no identification' of who was in the convoy.但柯比说,这队人的身份不明。

10.Kirby : Let me say it to you, such as Olympics, whose aim is to develop and promote peace, understanding, and friendship between countries.让我来告诉你,就拿奥运会来说吧,它的目的在于发展和推动国与国之间的和平、理解和友谊。